Bottle Walls and the sun in Belize

Can & Bottle Walls A can wall is a wall constructed from recycled aluminum cans, which are not a common building source. The cans can be laid in concrete, similar to bricks to make all kinds of strong walls and other partitions Cans can form the actual fill-in structure (or walls) of a

2020-03-28T15:42:29-06:00Central America, Materials, Shelter|

Tegulcigalpa, Honduras

In 1999 construction began on an Earthship in Honduras in response to Hurricane Mitch. The “Hut” Earthship demonstrates hurricane-resistant building methods designed for warmer climates and smaller, more affordable projects. This structure was developed in conjunction with training for local professional builders in sustainable construction techniques.

2020-02-09T18:48:57-07:00Central America|