
आपने @earthship_HQ को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @earthship_HQ का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. 24 अप्रैल 2021

    Nomadland Movie Feature is up for an Oscar and channel seven is doing an EARTHSHIP feature right after oscars.

  2. 25 फ़र॰ 2021

    We Keep Buying It.

  3. 20 फ़र॰ 2021

    Meet Candace Clark, our April Scholarship Recipient! Candace is a Tuskegee University Alumna from Chicago, IL, and a sustainable agriculture educator.

  4. 19 फ़र॰ 2021

    “Any government official that does not bend over backwards to help a home owner get in an alternative autonomous earth friendly home is guilty of treason against the Earth “

  5. 10 फ़र॰ 2021

    Earthship Webinars. Many to choose from. Watch now:

  6. 1 फ़र॰ 2021

    Share your Story Living Off-Grid During the : Research Study Looking for Participants We invite you to participate in my research study on the people who build and live in Earthships and other off-grid structures.

  7. 30 जन॰ 2021

    LIve Stream from the Haiti Earthship build starts in 9am MDT.

  8. 19 जन॰ 2021
  9. 11 जन॰ 2021

    Groundbreaking Women in the Construction Industry In a field where women reportedly account for only 10 percent of the labor force, these groundbreakers are building a more inclusive industry.

  10. 11 जन॰ 2021

    Western Colorado University partners with the Earthship Biotecture Academy to deliver a 2 year Master in Environmental Management degree. Please contact Jessica Young, [email protected], for more information.

  11. 9 जन॰ 2021

    2021 Earthship Calendar. Get it NOW. $15 at Beautiful Earthship Calendar for the 2021 Calendar Year. Beautiful images from many different Earthships.

  12. 7 जन॰ 2021

    Earthship Biotecture Archive Membership View and Download: eBooks, Construction & Systems Drawings, Materials & Costs, Webinars, Support Data.

  13. 4 जन॰ 2021

    You do not find ... you create it. The new design is s step in this direction.

  14. 1 जन॰ 2021

    Heating and Cooling the Building Keep the building warm in the winter and cool in the summer with little to no utility bills / fossil fuels. This increases both psychological and physiological comfort.

  15. 1 जन॰ 2021
  16. 31 दिस॰ 2020
  17. 31 दिस॰ 2020

    Production at We teach people how to grow their own food. Possibly one of the simplest forms of radical self-reliance.

  18. 30 दिस॰ 2020

    Earthship Global Visitor Center We are Open! We have made a few changes to adapt to the pandemic. Private Tours available, please call 575-613-4409

  19. 30 दिस॰ 2020

    E4 Encounter Earthship. Back Tire Wall. Built into an earth slope. This Encounter Earthship has larger rooms. Available to buy. Contact Us if interested. Check link in Bio. :)

  20. 29 दिस॰ 2020

    Construction Materials incorporate many natural and reclaimed materials in their construction. are the perfect form for a rammed-earth brick.


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