• ESG Governance

    Governance is foundational to our ESG strategy

    • Since our materiality assessment in 2019, we have continued to move toward more robust environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. Knowing that Dell Technologies is managing relevant ESG issues is of increasing importance to our stakeholders. We are committed to advancing these initiatives across our company and integrating the measurement and management of ESG topics into our strategic planning and operations.

      In 2020, we set up two governance bodies that are responsible for oversight of ESG issues at Dell, our ESG Steering Committee and ESG Interlock Team. Each has its own roles and responsibilities, and mirrors and aligns with how we manage risk in the organization.

    • These governance bodies are composed of members from various teams across Dell who create an integrated perspective and approach to ESG. They include representatives from these business units and corporate functions: sustainability, diversity and inclusion, Human Resources, giving and social innovation, ethics and privacy, supply chain, corporate affairs, government affairs, audit, legal, risk management, investor relations, accounting and security. Together, these governance bodies help us develop, manage and measure our ESG strategy and performance.

    • About Dell Technologies Board of Directors

      The Dell Technologies Board of Directors is committed to operating in a responsible manner. We currently have two women on our seven-member board, and we will continue to ensure a diverse pool of candidates is considered for each seat. Four of our board members are classified as independent according to Securities and Exchange Commission guidelines.

    • Role of the Board of Directors in ESG

      Our ESG Steering Committee reports annually to the board of directors, which oversees programs and policies that advance Dell’s mission. We provide updates on progress against our 2030 goals and other ESG priorities to the board.

      The board oversees the establishment and maintenance of our governance, compliance and risk oversight processes and procedures to promote the conduct of our business with the highest standards of responsibility, ethics and integrity.

    • Key responsibilities of our ESG bodies

    • ESG Steering Committee

      • Sets and leads our annual ESG strategy
      • Advocates to the board of directors for ESG programs
      • Establishes the necessary resources to support ESG efforts
      • Periodically reviews progress of the company’s 2030 social impact goals
      • Supports efforts to improve performance against priority ESG ratings, rankings and awards
    • ESG Interlock Team

      • Enables the execution of our ESG strategy
      • Stays aligned and informed on key risks, emerging trends and stakeholder priorities
      • Influences decisions that could impact the company’s ESG strategy
      • Monitors performance against our 2030 social impact goals and priority ESG ratings, rankings and awards
    • A comprehensive approach to identifying and managing risks and opportunities

    • Risk management comprises processes and procedures to promote the conduct of our business with the highest standards of responsibility, ethics and integrity.

      Risk management is also an important component of management’s responsibilities, including identifying and managing the risks the company is exposed to in the course of running our business, considering our value chain and the company’s overall risk profile. We will leverage our ESG governance bodies to review and manage risks. You can see an inventory of major risks to our business in our annual 10-K filing.

    • Last year, we carried out a scenario analysis in alignment with the guidance of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In doing so, we assessed the potential impacts to Dell Technologies and its stakeholders in the context of future climate-related scenarios. This analysis informed our climate strategy and helped us enhance climate-related engagement internally. We are everaging the TCFD framework to review and communicate our governance, risk and opportunity management of climate issues. More detail on our climate risks and opportunities can be found in our CDP report, section C2.

    • FY21 Progress Made Real Report

      In our annual ESG report on our social impact plan, we demonstrate how we're creating a positive impact on people and the planet for 2030 and beyond.

    • 2021 Diversity & Inclusion Report

      Learn how we are building a workforce that is inclusive and represents the diverse and global customers we serve.