If you can't find what you need here, see the Leanpub FAQ, the Leanpub Author FAQ, The Leanpub Manual, The Leanpub Authors Forum, The Markua Manual or The Leanpub Flavoured Markdown Manual. If none of those help, please Contact Us.

The Leanpub API


Using the Leanpub API requires a Pro plan. To upgrade to a Pro plan, please go here.

All use of the Leanpub API must be authenticated with an API key.

Access to the Leanpub API may be revoked for any user, at any time, for any reason. In other words, please don't hammer our servers :)


Getting your API key

You need to get an API key to start using the API. Go here to get one. Note that you typically need a Pro plan to get an API key. You can also get an API key if you are the author of a book for an organization which has an Organization Pro Plan, but in that case your API key will only work for that book.

Click on the button that says "Enable the Leanpub API" and copy the API key.

Using your API key

You need to send your API key on every API request you make. For GET requests, append it as a query string with a key of api_key:

GET https://leanpub.com/some/path?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

For posts, you can also include the API key as part of the post data with a key of api_key. Here's an example in cURL:

curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/some/path

Your book's slug

You'll need to know your book's slug. It's the part of the URL for your book after https://leanpub.com/. E.g. if your book is found at https://leanpub.com/your_book, then your book's slug is your_book.

Previewing and Publishing


To start a preview of your book, you POST to https://leanpub.com/SLUG/preview.json passing api_key as part of the post data. Here's an example with cURL:

curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/SLUG/preview.json

To preview a subset of your book using Subset.txt, post to https://leanpub.com/SLUG/preview/subset.json, passing the api_key as usual. A subset preview only generates a PDF, to go as fast as possible.

curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/SLUG/preview/subset.json

Previewing a single file

Sometimes you just want to take a look at the file you are working on and don't want to mess around with Subset.txt or anything like that. You can do that with the Single File generation API.

To use it, make a post to https://leanpub.com/SLUG/preview/single.json with a Content-Type header of text/plain and the body of the post containing the Markdown you want to generate. We will place the resulting PDF in the previews folder of your Dropbox, with a name of SLUG-single-file.pdf.

Getting the newlines working when posting with CURL is a bit complicated, so we'll use a Ruby script as an example this time. To use it, set an environment variable called LEANPUB_API_KEY to your Leanpub API key:

export LEANPUB_API_KEY="yourapikey"

Then call the script like this:

./generate_single_file <book_slug> <path_to_file>


./generate_single_file thes3cookbook /path/to/some/markdown.txt

here's the script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "httpclient"

slug = ARGV[0]
filename = ARGV[1]
api_key = ENV["LEANPUB_API_KEY"]

content = File.read(filename)
headers = { "Content-Type" => "text/plain"}

url = "https://leanpub.com/#{slug}/preview/single.json?api_key=#{api_key}"
HTTPClient.new.post(url, :body => content, :header => headers)


To publish your book, you POST to https://leanpub.com/SLUG/publish.json with your api key as part of the post data. This will publish without emailing your readers. Here's an example with cURL:

curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/SLUG/publish.json

If you want to email readers and add some release notes, add keys for publish[email_readers] and publish[release_notes]. The release notes should be URL encoded.

curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" -d "publish[email_readers]=true" -d "publish[release_notes]=please+let+me+know+what+you+think" https://leanpub.com/SLUG/publish.json

Getting the job status

Once you have started a preview or publish, you can get the status of the current job for your book by doing a GET on https://leanpub.com/SLUG/job_status.json with your api key as a query param:

curl "https://leanpub.com/SLUG/job_status?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY"

The result is a JSON response that looks like this:

  "num": 8,
  "job_type": "GenerateBookJob#preview",
  "total": 28,
  "message": "Downloading organization logo...",
  "status": "working",
  "name": "Publish scotttest99",
  "time": 1376073552,
  "options": {
    "requested_by": "[email protected]",
    "release_notes": "this is a test\n\nwith two lines",
    "slug": "scotttest99",
    "action": "publish",
    "email_readers": true

the num and total keys can be used to say things like "you are on step num of total".

You can poll this to see what's happening, but please don't poll more than every five seconds or so. You will get an empty JSON object when the job is complete.

Getting the Latest Version of your Book

You can get the latest version of your book using the preview_url and published_url returned by the book summary information API. These are also the URLs on the "Download Latest Preview" and "Download Latest Version" pages for your book (https://leanpub.com/YOUR_BOOK/preview/links and https://leanpub.com/YOUR_BOOK/publish/download_latest_version). These URLs never change, so you only need to get them once per book. They are also something you should keep secret: if someone has these URLs, they can get your book for free.

The only trick is that you're going to have to follow a redirect to Amazon S3. If you're using curl, that's as simple as adding the `-L` flag to your curl command:

  curl -L https://leanpub.com/s/some-long-uuid.pdf > yourbook.pdf
  curl -L https://leanpub.com/s/some-long-uuid.epub > yourbook.epub
  curl -L https://leanpub.com/s/some-long-uuid.mobi > yourbook.mobi

Getting Book Summary Information

You can get information about a book using curl with your API key:

curl https://leanpub.com/SLUG.json?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY

Like all Leanpub API calls, this requires authentication. We only show you information about books where you are one of the authors (or if the book is published by an organization, and you are one of the editors).

If you are an author of the book, then we will also give you the total copies sold and revenue for the book, as well as the URLs for downloading the current preview and published version of your book in epub, pdf and mobi formats.

The result is a JSON response that looks like this:

  "slug": "thes3cookbook",
  "subtitle": "Get cooking with Amazon's Simple Storage Service",
  "title": "The S3 Cookbook",
  "about_the_book": "Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) has been described as “Storage in the cloud”....",
  "author_string": "Scott Patten",
  "url": "https://leanpub.com/thes3cookbook",
  "title_page_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/titlepages.leanpub.com/thes3cookbook/original?1375318991",
  "minimum_price": "3.0",
  "suggested_price": "10.0",
  "page_count_published": 252,
  "total_copies_sold": 111382,
  "word_count_published": 43315

The page_count_published entry shows the number of pages in the currently published version, and will only be shown if the author has chosen to display the number of pages. Similarly, word_count_published shows the number of words in the currently published version and will only be shown if the author has chosen to display the number of words.

Here is what it will look like for an author who has authenticated:

  "slug": "thes3cookbook",
  "subtitle": "Get cooking with Amazon's Simple Storage Service",
  "title": "The S3 Cookbook",
  "about_the_book": "Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) has been described as “Storage in the cloud”....",
  "last_published_at": "2015-01-15T19:21:50Z",
  "meta_description": null,
  "page_count": 263,
  "page_count_published": 252,
  "total_copies_sold": 111382,
  "total_revenue": "1123334.14",
  "word_count": 43315,
  "word_count_published": 43315,
  "author_string": "Scott Patten",
  "url": "https://leanpub.com/thes3cookbook",
  "title_page_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/titlepages.leanpub.com/thes3cookbook/original?1435903728",
  "minimum_price": "3.0",
  "suggested_price": "10.0",
  "image": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/titlepages.leanpub.com/thes3cookbook/medium?1435903728",
  "possible_reader_count": 0,
  "pdf_preview_url": "https://leanpub.com/s/redacted-string.pdf",
  "epub_preview_url": "https://leanpub.com/s/redacted-string.epub",
  "mobi_preview_url": "https://leanpub.com/s/redacted-string.mobi",
  "pdf_published_url": "https://leanpub.com/s/another-redacted-string.pdf",
  "epub_published_url": "https://leanpub.com/s/another-redacted-string.epub",
  "mobi_published_url": "https://leanpub.com/s/another-redacted-string.mobi"

page_count_published is the page count of the latest published version. page_count is the page count of the latest previewed or published version. word_count_published and word_count are the same, but for word count (and yes, those revenue numbers are totally made up).

Getting sales data

Summary Sales Data

You can get a summary of your sales and royalties at




Here's an example with curl:

curl "https://leanpub.com/SLUG/royalties.json?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY"

All Sales Data

You can access data for all of your individualy purchases in JSON and XML format by doing a GET request to




This data is paginated, and by default gives you your last 50 sales. Here's an example to get the last 50 sales of your book:

curl "https://leanpub.com/SLUG/individual_purchases.json?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY"

If you want to get the next 50 sales, request page 2 of your sales data like this:

curl "https://leanpub.com/SLUG/individual_purchases.json?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&page=2"


You can get information about the coupons for a given book and create new coupons for a book.

Getting a list of coupons for a book

To get a list of coupons, make a GET request to




The response will include a list of all coupons for your book. Here is an example JSON response for a book with a single coupon:

    "coupon_code": "NOT_A_REAL_COUPON",
    "created_at": "2013-04-17T22:12:58Z",
    "package_discounts": [
        "package_slug": "book",
        "discounted_price": 2.0
        "package_slug": "teamedition",
        "discounted_price": 4.0
    "end_date": "2016-05-17",
    "max_uses": null,
    "note": "This is not a real coupon",
    "num_uses": 12,
    "start_date": "2013-04-17",
    "suspended": false,
    "updated_at": "2013-04-17T22:12:58Z",
    "book_slug": "yourbook"

Creating coupons

You can create coupons by POSTing to https://leanpub.com/SLUG/coupons.json.

You need to send the following data:

Name Required? Description
coupon_code Yes The coupon code for this coupon. This must be unique for your book.
package_discounts_attributes Yes An array of discounts, one for each package that you want this coupon to apply to. Each discount is an object with two keys: package_slug is the slug of the package that this discount applies to, and discounted_price is the amount that the package can be purchased for.
start_date Yes The date the coupon is valid from. Formatted like YYYY-MM-DD.
end_date No The date the coupon is valid until. Formatted like YYYY-MM-DD.
max_uses No The max number of uses available for a coupon. An integer. Null means unlimited.
note No A description of the coupon. This is just used to remind you of what it was for.
suspended No Whether or not the coupon is suspended. true or false.

You can send data as either form-encoded data or JSON. If you send JSON, you must set the Content-Type header to application/json.

Here is an example using curl with json data:

  curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
  -d '{"coupon": {"coupon_code":"coupon-code-123456","package_discounts_attributes":[{"package_slug":"book","discounted_price":0.0}], "start_date":"2013-12-28"}}' \

If you use form-encoded data, then all of the fields must be prefixed with coupon. I.e., instead of sending up coupon_code, you send up coupon[coupon_code]. Here's an example:

curl -d "coupon[coupon_code]=coupon-code-123456" -d "coupon[discounted_price]=0.0" \
 -d "coupon[start_date]=2013-10-21" -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" \
-d "coupon[package_discounts_attributes][][package_slug]=book"
-d "coupon[package_discounts_attributes][][discounted_price]=0.00"

Updating Coupons

You can update a coupon by making a PUT request to https://leanpub.com/SLUG/coupons/COUPON_CODE.json. You use all of the same parameters as when you create a coupon, but none are required. Here is an example using curl:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPUT -d '{"suspended":false}' \

Getting a List of Your Readers' Emails

You can get a list of the email addresses of those readers who have decided to share their email with you by making a GET request to https://leanpub.com/u/USERNAME/reader_emails.json?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY. This returns a JSON formatted array of user emails.

These are the parameters:

Name Required? Description
api_key Yes Your api key. This must be the api key for the user specified by USERNAME in the url.
purchase_type No The accepted values for this are book, course or all returning the list for your books, courses or both respectively. If no purchase_type is provided, the default is all.

For example a query would look like

curl "https://leanpub.com/u/USERNAME/reader_emails.json?api_key=API_KEY&purchase;_type=book"

This would return like

  "[email protected]",
  "[email protected]"

Where "[email protected]" and "[email protected]" are emails of readers who have shared their email with you.

Previewing and Publishing Your Course

Your course's slug

If you have self published your course you'll need to know your course's slug. It's the part of the URL for your course after https://leanpub.com/c/. E.g. if your course is found at https://leanpub.com/c/your_course, then your book's slug is your_course.

If your course is published under an organization on Leanpub then you will need both the course and organization slug. If your course is published under an organization it's landing page URL will look like https://leanpub.com/courses/ORGANIZATION/SLUG so if your course is found at https://leanpub.com/courses/your_organization/your_course the organization slug would be your_organization and the course slug would be your_course.

If your course is published under a university on Leanpub then you will need both the course and university slug. If your course is published under a university it's landing page URL will look like https://leanpub.com/universities/courses/UNIVERSITY/COURSE so if your course is found at https://leanpub.com/universities/courses/your_university/your_course the university slug would be your_university and the course slug would be your_course.


To start a preview of your course, you POST to https://leanpub.com/c/SLUG/preview.json if your course is self-published or https://leanpub.com/c/ORGANIZATION/SLUG/preview.json if your course is under an organization replacing ORGANIZATION slug with UNIVERSITY slug if your course is under a university and passing api_key as part of the post data. Here's some examples with cURL:

curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/c/SLUG/preview.json
curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/c/ORGANIZATION/SLUG/preview.json
curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/c/UNIVERSITY/SLUG/preview.json


To publish your course, you POST to https://leanpub.com/c/SLUG/publish.json if your course is self-published or https://leanpub.com/c/ORGANIZATION/SLUG/publish.json if your course is under an organization replacing ORGANIZATION slug with UNIVERSITY slug if your course is under a university and passing api_key as part of the post data. Here's some examples with cURL:

curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/c/SLUG/publish.json
curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/c/ORGANIZATION/SLUG/publish.json
curl -d "api_key=YOUR_API_KEY" https://leanpub.com/c/UNIVERSITY/SLUG/publish.json