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Concrete Problem Signs

Damage to your pool deck, concrete patio, driveway, or sidewalk can come in all shapes and sizes. See below the different forms of damage and learn how the experts can help.


Damaged concrete can rob your home of curb appeal and resell value. Not to mention, it can be a tripping hazard for children and older adults. Here’s a play-by-play for the most common problem signs of concrete damage, and our expert-recommended repair fixes.  

driveway uneven

Signs That Your Concrete Is Damaged or May Develop More Damage 

cracked brick compromised foundation

Foundation Problems 

If you are already experiencing foundation or basement problems, it’s likely that your concrete is suffering as well. Since both issues stem from mother nature, whether it be expansive soils or the rampant freeze and thaw cycle in Colorado, these root causes are affecting more than just your foundation.  

Sinking or Uneven Concrete 

Wind and precipitation can break down the soil under and around your concrete driveway, sidewalk, pool deck, or patio. As soil erodes beneath your concrete, it can begin to form air pockets. This will cause your concrete to buckle in and sink. This may also occur in tandem with your concrete cracking and becoming unlevel.  

Concrete Pitting and Flaking 

Concrete pitting and flaking is when damage occurs to the surface of the concrete. Pitting is when small crater-looking blemishes appear in your concrete. Flaking is when smaller pieces break off, and staining is when you notice discoloration of your concrete. These three conditions are all signs that you will need concrete repair soon, before the damage escalates.  


Cracks are the most severe damage that your concrete can experience. It’s the hardest to ignore, as you might drive over it or walk around to avoid it every day. This type of concrete damage is extremely common in western Colorado because of expansive clay soil.  

When expansive soils touch water, they swell and expand, exerting pressure onto your concrete structures around your home. The reverse effect also occurs; when there is a drought, the soil shrinks, causing air pockets and lack of support to your concrete. Both instances can be cause for large, unavoidable fissures in your concrete.  

These aren’t the only types of damage that can be inflicted on your home’s concrete. 

We Don’t Encourage Do-It-Yourself Concrete Lifting 

Many homeowners understandably believe that filling in a crack on their own will solve the problem. While concrete crack filler might make your driveway, patio, or pool deck look better, it’s only a band-aid. Since it doesn’t remedy the source of the problem, which is the support beneath your concrete, it’s vulnerable to continued damage. You may end up needing to fill in or repair these cracks multiple times.  

The source of concrete damage typically originates in the soil that lies beneath it. That’s why professional concrete lifting is always recommended over DIY projects.  

The Most Common Ways to Fill and Repair Concrete 

Mudjacking or Slab Jacking  

Mudjacking, also known as slab jacking, used to be one of the most common fixes for uneven and cracked concrete. Service technicians apply this by puncturing soda can-sized holes into your concrete and injecting a concrete slurry beneath the damaged concrete. The intention of mudjacking is to level the concrete and act as sustainable support.  

Complete Replacement of Concrete Slabs 

By replacing a concrete slab, you will no longer have to deal with large, unsightly cracks. However, this may not last forever, as it’s not addressing the root cause of the damage. The expansive clay soil known in Colorado may wreak havoc on your concrete again, and it’s possible you’ll end up where you started. 

Concrete Foam Injections 


Concrete foam injections, also known as polyurethane foam injections, are a quick but highly effective solution for cracked or uneven concrete. Installers prick your concrete with penny-sized holes and inject polyurethane foam underneath the slab. This concrete raising foam quickly works to even out your concrete and restore it to a proper position.  

Foundation Repair of Western Colorado uses PolyRenewal™ foam, which tempers quick enough for you or your family to walk on in 15 minutes. Since the foam is lightweight, it won’t weigh down the soil beneath your concrete. This means you can count on it to last for a long time after installation.  

Contact Foundation Services of Western Colorado to Restore Your Concrete 

At Foundation Repair of Western Colorado, we want to involve you in your home’s concrete solutions. That’s why we provide free inspections and quotes, so you can feel confident in trusting our customized repair solution for your home.  

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Proudly serving the Colorado Western Slope, Grand Junction, Glenwood Springs, Montrose & nearby

Grand Junction

2575 U.S. 6 & 50, Unit A
Grand Junction, CO 81501