Internet Architecture Board


About the Internet Architecture Board

The Internet Architecture Board provides long-range technical direction for Internet development, ensuring the Internet continues to grow and evolve as a platform for global communication and innovation.

In its work, the IAB strives to:

  • Ensure that the Internet is a trusted medium of communication that provides a solid technical foundation for privacy and security, especially in light of pervasive surveillance,
  • Establish the technical direction for an Internet that will enable billions more people to connect, support the vision for an Internet of Things, and allow mobile networks to flourish, while keeping the core capabilities that have been a foundation of the Internet’s success, and
  • Promote the technical evolution of an open Internet without special controls, especially those which hinder trust in the network.
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IAB Appoints Jim Reid to the ICANN Root Server System Governance Working Group (GWG)

The IAB is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Reid to the ICANN Root Server System Governance Working Group (GWG).

The IAB thanks everyone who put their name forward as a candidate for this position, as well as those who provided feedback during this process. The IAB would also like to thank Ted Hardie for his service in this role over the past two years.

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IAB and IESG Seek Feedback on Candidates for the RFC Series Working Group (RSWG) Chairs

The IAB and the IESG are responsible for appointing the RFC Series Working Group (RSWG) chairs as described in draft-iab-rfcefdp-rfced-model (currently in the RFC Editor Queue). In March, the IAB and the IESG began a joint search for RSWG chair candidates.

The candidates who accepted nominations are:

  • Donald Eastlake
  • Paul Hoffman
  • Luigi Iannone
  • Alexey Melnikov
  • Eric Rescorla
  • Pete Resnick
  • Brian Trammell

The IAB and the IESG are requesting feedback on these candidates by Wednesday, 2022-06-01 at 2359 UTC. Please send your response to [email protected]. If you would like your feedback to be anonymized, please indicate such in your response.

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IAB reappoints Vittoria Bertola to the 2023 ICANN Nominating Committee

The IAB is pleased to reappoint Vittoria Bertola to the 2023 ICANN Nominating Committee.

The 2023 ICANN NomCom will invite applicants for the following positions:

  • Two members of the ICANN Board of Directors.
  • One member of the PTI Board of Directors.
  • Three regional representatives to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) – one each representing the Africa region, Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands region, and Latin America and Caribbean region.
  • Two members of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council – one representing the Contracted Parties House and one representing the Non-Contracted Parties House.
  • One member of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Council.

More information about the work of the ICANN NomCom can be found in the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) Operating Procedures.

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IAB Appoints Victor Kuarsingh to the Internet Society Board of Trustees

The IAB is pleased to announce the appointment of Victor Kuarsingh to the Internet Society Board of Trustees. He will be seated as trustee for three years, commencing with the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Internet Society in June. The IAB thanks Victor for taking on this task.

The IAB would also like to thank all those who volunteered to serve or who provided feedback during this process.

Read the full announcement from the Internet Society: “Final Results of the 2022 Internet Society Board of Trustees Elections and IETF Selection

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IAB Responds to Federal Communications Commission Request for Comments on Secure Internet Routing

On 8 April 2022, the IAB responded to the FCC’s request for comments on Secure Internet Routing:


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IAB Seeks Feedback on Candidates for the IETF appointment to the ICANN Root Server System Governance Working Group (GWG)

As previously announced, the IAB is in the process of making an appointment to the ICANN Root Server System Governance Working Group (GWG). The candidates who have accepted nominations are:

  • Dave Lawrence
  • John Levine
  • Jeff Osborn
  • Jim Reid

The IAB is requesting feedback on these candidates by 23:59 UTC on Tuesday, 2022-05-03. Please send your response to [email protected]. If you would like your feedback to be anonymized, please indicate such in your response.

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IAB report to the community for IETF 113

This is the IAB report for the period between IETF 112 and IETF 113. This report presents a summary of activities. More detailed information on many of the topics is also available at

Minutes of all IAB business calls are available at The IAB business calls are open for observation and ​one of the business calls each month is used for technical discussions only. The upcoming agenda​, including calendar and connection details, is posted in advance on the IAB wiki at 

If you have issues you want to discuss over email, feel free to send your comments to the IAB as a whole at [email protected]. This mailing list includes all voting IAB members, the IRTF Chair (Colin Perkins), the IETF Executive Director (Jay Daley), the IETF Director of Communications and Operations (Greg Wood), Secretariat staff (Cindy Morgan, Amy Vezza), the IESG Liaison (Martin Vigoureux), the ISOC Liaisons (Karen O’Donoghue, Olaf Kolkman), and the Tools Liaison (Robert Sparks). Continue reading

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IAB and IESG Search for RFC Series Working Group (RSWG) Chairs

The IAB is in the process of approving draft-iab-rfcefdp-rfced-model, which specifies version 3 of the RFC Editor Model. In this model, policy definition is the joint responsibility of the RFC Series Working Group (RSWG), which produces policy proposals, and the RFC Series Approval Board (RSAB), which approves such proposals. As described in Section of the document:

The RSWG shall have two chairs, one appointed by the IESG and the other appointed by the IAB.  When the RSWG is formed, the chair appointed by the IESG shall serve for a term of one (1) year and the chair appointed by the IAB shall serve for a term of two (2) years; thereafter, chairs shall serve for a term of two (2) years, with no term limits on renewal.

The IAB and the IESG are looking for a diverse pool of chair candidates, and therefore are issuing a joint call for nominations (including self-nominations) for the RSWG chairs. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please send a message with the name and email address of the nominee to [email protected]. The deadline for nominations is 23:59 UTC on 2022-04-18 2022-05-03.

In a second step, all nominees will then be asked to provide the following information to the IAB and IESG (self nominations may already include this information in the initial email):

  1. Full name and contact information. Include your employer or the organizations that would provide financial support for you (if any).
  2. Please provide a statement confirming your willingness to serve as RSWG chair and ability to devote an appropriate level of time to activities associated with the position.
  3. Please provide a brief biography outlining your relevant experience and background.
  4. Please provide a statement of interests, views on the RFC Series and its Model, goals as a RSWG Chair and motivation to serve as a RSWG Chair.
  5. Any further information that is relevant to the work of the IAB and IESG in considering your nomination, e.g., potential conflicts of interest.

In a third step, the IAB and IESG will solicit community feedback on the willing candidates before making a decision. Each body will independently pick one co-chair.

On behalf of the IAB and the IESG,
Mirja Kühlewind, IAB Chair
Lars Eggert, IETF Chair