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Found 87 articles

  • Why is there so much conflicting CV advice?

    • 13 May 2022

    There is a lot of conflicting advice on how best to write a CV. CVs have been around for such a long time, it may seem surprising there are still wide divergences of opinion in how best to write them. Why is this so?

  • Should I include a Key Skills section in my CV?

    • 11 Feb 2022

    Your CV now has two audiences. Key skills are important to show both audiences that you have the requisite expertise.

  • Why your CV should look forwards, not backwards

    • 15 Nov 2021

    A video presented and produced by Neville Rose, Director of CV Writers.

  • Why you should never lie in your CV

    • 20 Sep 2021

    Upping that degree from a 2:2 to a 2:1. Hmm, tempting.

  • Everything You Need to Know About Assessment Centres

    • 25 Aug 2021

    Looking for a new job? You might find yourself getting a mysterious invitation to an assessment centre. If you're new to this recruitment process, you'll need to know what's in store for you.

  • Money, opportunities, flexibility: Get more from your employer in 2021

    • 25 Aug 2021

    If you are feeling unbalanced or unfulfilled at work, consider negotiating with your current employer for some of the following changes or benefits before calling it quits or seeking work elsewhere.

  • Why you should include sustainability achievements in your CV

    • 24 Aug 2021

    Every role in every organisation can do something to lessen impact on the environment. From broad policy changes, reviewing supplier practices, eco-friendly travel schemes through to reducing single plastic cup use – changes both big and small can make a difference.

  • Maximising impact with your early career CV

    • 16 Jul 2021

    Whether you are a student, fresh graduate or just started out in work, it can sometimes be challenging to know how to write and structure a CV.

  • Writing a CV for sustainability jobs

    • 4 Jun 2021

    With climate change very much at the forefront of the agenda, the sustainability industry continues to grow and thrive. As countries seek to reduce carbon emissions, protect the environment and create a more circular economy, the skills needed to harness this change continue to be in great demand.

  • Job application conundrums: Be you. Be who they want you to be.

    • 22 Apr 2021

    The secret to any successful job application is to be both authentic to yourself in addition to being perfectly aligned to the requirements of the job.

  • Job application strategy - spend more time on fewer applications

    • 16 Mar 2021

    The online automation of job applications has made applying for jobs easier then ever before. You can apply for multiple jobs literally at the click of a button.

  • Writing the perfect email covering letter

    • 23 Feb 2021

    How to write a covering email to accompany your CV

  • 10 post-Brexit signs you need to dust off your CV

    • 23 Feb 2021

    How can you judge whether your job is likely to be affected by the post-Brexit business climate?

  • Make contact before you apply

    • 9 Feb 2021

    How much would you give to have the upper hand on other applicants applying for the same role?

  • Getting your job application shortlisted

    • 9 Feb 2021

    Understanding the job requirements and demonstrating your skills are key to successful applications

  • Be selective in the jobs you apply for

    • 15 Jan 2021

    You are selective about most things - from the food you eat, to what time you go to bed, to the variety of drinks you enjoy, to the people you spend time with.

  • Writing a CV for human rights professionals

    • 18 Dec 2020

    You need to demonstrate more than just your passion for social justice and improving people’s lives when writing a human rights CV. Whatever your specialism – for example as a lawyer, policy maker or project officer – you need to show the reader the difference you can make.

  • How to bounce back from redundancy

    • 23 Nov 2020

    It’s difficult to lose your job at any time, let alone during a global health pandemic. Most employers realise this and will, wherever they can, provide outplacement support for staff facing redundancy by arranging for a specialist career coaching company to help with their career transition.