Should I use an infographic CV?

Published on: 1 Apr 2022


Should I use an infographic CV?

Where the traditional CV relies very much on written content, infographic CVs rely on visual representation and design to display information. The thinking behind this is that visual information tends to be more interesting and appealing to look at. For example, you can compare data more easily and give your self so many stars out of five for different technical skills. Infographic CVs look distinctive and creative. Traditional CVs have a more uniform look relying on the recruiter to read and absorb written information.

This sounds great, where can I get one?

Do a quick search for infographic CVs online and you will see there are very many templates already designed that you can download and use. There are entire websites dedicated to infographic CVs or you could even take things a step further and design one yourself or commission a designer to create one for you. A bespoke designed CV could really help you to stand out in a completely unique way. But this herein, is where the challenge lies with infographic CVs.

The downside of infographic CVs

There is always going to be a trade off if you value design over content. Infographic CVs favour the first so there is often little room for words. This means they can appear lightweight. There can be no space to tell the reader about your relevant achievements. Graphical interpretation is good for getting across simple, easy to convey information. It is difficult to get across an employment story through a single icon.

                                                   CV WRITERS ART MPU 2018

ATS systems

Perhaps the key problem with infographic CVs and their lack of content is in getting them to pass through ATS filters. ATS rely on written information in order to analyse and assess information. They do not understand pictures. With more and more employers using ATS, this places infographic CVs at a huge disadvantage. They are very unlikely to include the key words and phrases that a more traditional CV will have and are therefore much less likely to pass through ATS filters.

When should I use an infographic CV?

Some recruiters recommend infographic CVs for designers or data management roles. This is in the belief that the CV is being assessed as some kind of design exercise. Or that by representing data in a visual way perhaps you are demonstrating the ability to analyse complex data sets. I do not believe this is a valid reason. Designers have a separate portfolio to display their design skills. Data managers should tell the reader about their achievements through providing examples.

Infographic CVs, however, may have their use not in applying for jobs but for companies internally. As part of tender and bid processes, organisations often have to submit CVs of the account team. This could be the perfect place to present areas of expertise simply and creatively – branded in company colours. For the vast majority of job seekers, however, it is better to stick with the a more traditional written CV that acts as a blank canvass for you to tell your story.


This article is written by Neville Rose, Director of CV Writers.

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