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Welcome dear physics students

Contributors: Christiane, Vasco


Dear fellow students,


Due to the covid-19 pandemic there are some limitations and changes to our services.
  • The Fachschaftsraum in the HISKP is open again. Opening hours can be found in the side panel.
  • The studentbody council meetings will be Tuesdays 18:30 online on our Discord. This decision is based on the Corona Hochschulverordnung NRW. You are invited to take part in our meetings. For the invite link please message us via your uni e-mail.

As soon as it is possible and resonable we will return to normal operation.

If there are any questions feel free to ask us via e-mail or on discord.

Your studentbody council


Welcome to the Website of the Physics Student Representatives -the Fachschaft Physik- at the University of Bonn!

Here you will find information about the courses of study, the services the Fachschaft offers and some news of what´s going on at the university.


Who or what is the Fachschaft?

All students that are immatriculated into a course of study in Physics or Astronomy in Bonn, are part of the Fachschaft, the student body.

However, colloquially, the Fachschaft means the students that are doing some representative work, either in the elected student body council or something else.

At the moment, the english version of our website is still under construction, so not all pages will be accessible or you may be redirected to a german page.

If you have any questions that are not answered here, you can shoot us an email. (for contact information, see at the bottom of the page)

Group photo FS


Here you will find more information about who we are. If you are interested in our organisational structure or our statute, follow the links.


Why do I need a Fachschaft?

Coffee, photocopier, support during the small (and big) problems between homework and the examination board while studying - that is only a small part of the services we offer!

See here for more information :)


Do not ask what the Fachschaft can do for you - ask what you can do for the Fachschaft!

A lot of the work we do to keep your studies smooth and fair is done behind the scenes! At every level of the university, there are student representatives in diverse commitees looking out for your interests - on a honorary basis.

New study regulations, hiring of new professors, representing students in the Fachgruppe, and much more.

Our voices and opinions carry weight in all meetings, so we want to be present whereever possible. That means work.

You can help us with this! You can come to our weekly meetings, to our room in the HISKP or our discord, and start now!

Opening times: When it´s not closed

Meeting: Tuesdays at 18:30 in the SR1 in the HISKP

Mail: fsphysik(at)

Phone: 0228/73-2788


Fachschaft Physik/Astronomie
c/o Helmholtz-Insitut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik
Nussallee 14-16
53115 Bonn




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