Gilday: Navy could offer retired Littoral Combat Ships to South American nations

Gilday: Navy could offer retired Littoral Combat Ships to South American nations
Gilday: Navy could offer retired Littoral Combat Ships to South American nations

The Navy faces an uphill battle on trying to retire nine Littoral Combat Ships, but where will those vessels go after leaving the fleet?

Pentagon to Congress: Inflation…. what inflation?

Pentagon to Congress: Inflation…. what inflation?
Pentagon to Congress: Inflation…. what inflation?

AEI’s John Ferrari and Mackenzie Eaglen write that in failing to adjust its budget to the realities of inflation, the Pentagon is careening towards budgetary trouble.

Navy’s submarine builders ‘over cost’, ‘under performing’: Top admiral

Navy’s submarine builders ‘over cost’, ‘under performing’: Top admiral
Navy’s submarine builders ‘over cost’, ‘under performing’: Top admiral

Gilday’s blunt remarks were in response to lawmaker questions about the submarine Boise’s years-long wait to dive again.

Navy’s SIOP dry dock costs grew 400 percent, at risk of years-long delays

Navy’s SIOP dry dock costs grew 400 percent, at risk of years-long delays
Navy’s SIOP dry dock costs grew 400 percent, at risk of years-long delays

Lawmakers have bemoaned cost overruns at SIOP, but never specified how bad it was.

Decommissioned ship funds would go towards buying missiles, Navy says

Decommissioned ship funds would go towards buying missiles, Navy says
Decommissioned ship funds would go towards buying missiles, Navy says

Not decommissioning ships means “we’re going to pay for that in terms of people, we’re going to pay for it with less ammunition and magazines, fewer spare parts and storerooms,” Gilday said.

The Army could get its next-gen Precision Strike Missiles in FY27

The Army could get its next-gen Precision Strike Missiles in FY27
The Army could get its next-gen Precision Strike Missiles in FY27

Soldiers will receive the first increment of PrSM weapons in FY23, but will get a more advanced version by FY27.

Pentagon ramps up FY23 funding request in push to address capability gaps, AI

Pentagon ramps up FY23 funding request in push to address capability gaps, AI
Pentagon ramps up FY23 funding request in push to address capability gaps, AI

The Pentagon wants at least $70 million for its Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve and $76.79 million for its Artificial Intelligence and Data Accelerator, budget documents show.

Gilday: ‘I don’t know’ if Navy’s future fleet will include Medium USVs

Gilday: ‘I don’t know’ if Navy’s future fleet will include Medium USVs
Gilday: ‘I don’t know’ if Navy’s future fleet will include Medium USVs

The chief of naval operations’s comments just weeks after the Navy revealed it was killing a different unmanned program.

MQ-25 to Sealift: Five Navy budget justification book takeaways

MQ-25 to Sealift: Five Navy budget justification book takeaways
MQ-25 to Sealift: Five Navy budget justification book takeaways

The Navy’s budget justification books are here, and they contains previously unknown details of how the service wants to spend its money.

Army could be ‘wasting’ $22B if soldiers don’t like IVAS: Inspector General

Army could be ‘wasting’ $22B if soldiers don’t like IVAS: Inspector General
Army could be ‘wasting’ $22B if soldiers don’t like IVAS: Inspector General

The program already experienced glitches, but Pentagon IG sees a much bigger problem, even if Army officials vehemently disagree.

Navy’s new shipbuilding plan offers three paths to Congress

Navy’s new shipbuilding plan offers three paths to Congress
Navy’s new shipbuilding plan offers three paths to Congress

The service is offering lawmakers three different ship procurement profiles, a deviation from past long-range plans.

Navy plans to sink large undersea drone program

Navy plans to sink large undersea drone program
Navy plans to sink large undersea drone program

The Navy has invested at least $200 million in developing the drone in recent years.

Air Force’s math on the F-15EX and F-35 doesn’t add up

Air Force’s math on the F-15EX and F-35 doesn’t add up
Air Force’s math on the F-15EX and F-35 doesn’t add up

In a new op-ed, JV Venable of the Heritage Foundation goes deep on Air Force budget figures to answer the question of which is more expenses, the F-35A or F-15EX.

Congressman: Navy to get blunt questions about ‘confounding’ double ship counting

Congressman: Navy to get blunt questions about ‘confounding’ double ship counting
Congressman: Navy to get blunt questions about ‘confounding’ double ship counting

The ship, LHA-9, had already been authorized, so its inclusion as new in the president’s budget request attracted immediate attention from lawmakers following the budget’s rollout.