• Cloud Backup

    • Simplify cloud backup with Dell Technologies

    • As organizations continue to move data, applications and infrastructure to the cloud, IT departments need cloud backup solutions that can protect data in increasingly complex environments – without increasing costs or management burden on IT teams.

      Dell Technologies, a market leader in data protection and backup solutions, offers cloud backup technologies that provide comprehensive protection and backup of data in public, private and hybrid cloud environments. 

  • Data Replication and Recovery with Data Protection Suite

    The Data Protection Suite is a comprehensive data backup and recovery solution for organizations of all types and sizes.

  • Discover PowerProtect Data Manager

    PowerProtect Data Manager offers software defined data protection, automation, operational agility, and self-service backup and recovery.

  • Back up and Recover Data with PowerProtect DD Series Appliances

    Leverage scalable, high-speed, and cloud-enabled data protection storage for backup, archive and disaster recovery.

    • Addressing the challenges of cloud backup

    • The cloud can provide significant benefits in terms of improving application performance and reducing capital and operational costs. But cloud technologies also introduce a number of complex challenges for cloud backup, recovery, long-term retention and disaster recovery.

      Speed of backups
      Large backups may take many hours, impacting application performance and increasing the cost of WAN bandwidth required to backup servers to cloud storage.

      Compliance issues
      Managing compliance is more difficult in the cloud, as organizations have less control over their data, making it harder to demonstrate compliance with a wide variety of regulatory frameworks.

      Distributed environments
      In hybrid and multi-cloud environments, cloud backup may need to cover data that resides in a variety of locations, while also integrating backups with data from virtualized environments and on-premises servers.

      Cost of storage
      While cloud computing may offer cost-savings over the expense of purchasing, installing and managing on-premises hardware, those efficiencies can be easily wiped out by the cost of a large backup storage footprint in the cloud.

      Management complexity
      All of these issues can combine to make managing cloud data and cloud backup more arduous, time-consuming and costly, further mitigating the cost-savings and other benefits of moving infrastructure to the cloud.

    • Comprehensive cloud backup from Dell Technologies

    • As a premier provider of data protection and backup solutions for organizations of every size, Dell provides cloud data protection and cloud data backup solutions that help organizations protect information while providing greater operational efficiency, resiliency and scalability for digital transformation in the cloud.

      Dell solutions enable:

      • Cloud backup that can eliminate tape backup and enable consumption of low-cost public cloud object storage for all backup copies.
      • Cloud Disaster Recovery that delivers simpler, faster recovery with lower infrastructure and administrative costs, copying backed-up VMs from their on-premises environments to the public cloud and orchestrating DR testing and workload failovers to the cloud.
      • Management of long-term retention to the cloud with advanced deduplication to minimize storage footprints.
      • Cloud backup and protection for customers of VMware Cloud on AWS, delivering a single solution that can protect hybrid cloud workloads, simplify administration and lower TCO.

    • Why choose Dell for cloud backup?

    • Dell solutions offer significant benefits for data protection and cloud backup.

      • Faster backups: Dell technology can significantly accelerate cloud backup.
      • Less hardware: Dell cloud backup enables reduction in required backup hardware.
      • Flexible solutions: Software and technology from Dell can be mixed and matched to create a custom cloud backup solution for any organization.
      • Ease-of-use: Dell makes cloud data management and backup easier. With a powerful policy engine, Dell cloud backup solutions help to automate processes and minimize time required from IT staff. 
      • Policy-driven compliance: Policy-driven backup management significantly simplifies the task of demonstrating compliance with regulatory standards.
      • Massive scalability: Designed for any size cloud infrastructure, Dell cloud backup solutions are highly scalable to manage large numbers of instances and backups.
      • Cost savings: Faster backups, less hardware and easier management all combine to significantly reduce the cost of cloud backup.

    • Dell cloud backup solutions

    • PowerProtect Data Manager, software defined data protection, automation, deduplication, self-service and IT governance for physical, virtual and cloud environments:

      • PowerProtect Data Manager, software defined data protection, automation, deduplication, self-service and IT governance for physical, virtual and cloud environments.
      • PowerProtect DD series appliances, industry-leading, scalable, reliable and cloud-enabled backup appliances. Dell technology reduces the amount of disk storage needed to protect data. With high throughput, the DD series make it possible to complete more backups in less time and provide restores that are faster and more reliable.
      • PowerProtect DP series appliances, formerly Integrated Data Protection Appliance (IDPA), all-in-one data protection software and storage in a single appliance that delivers backup, replication, recovery, search, and analytics. Easy to deploy and manage, they can help consolidate data protection software and hardware for any size organization.
      • Data Protection Suite, software that makes it easy to protect data and applications residing in public and hybrid clouds, as well as on-premises infrastructure and virtualized environments.
      • Cloud Tier, which natively tiers deduplicated data to the cloud for long-term retention, maximizing deduplication rates to reduce size and cost of protection storage footprints.
      • Cloud Disaster Recovery, a solution that allows enterprises to copy backed-up VMs from their on-prem environments to the public cloud for DR testing, DR failover and failback of Tier 2 workloads.
      • PowerProtect Cloud Snapshot Manager, a SaaS-based solution that provides control, automation and visibility over native AWS snapshots to protect workloads in the cloud.

    • Cloud backup FAQs

    • What is cloud backup?

      Cloud backup is an umbrella term for backup systems that copy or replicate important business data to storage in the cloud. Data may be copied from on-premises infrastructure, virtualized environments or from other cloud storage sites.

      What are common cloud backup use cases?

      Common use cases include:

      • Backup to cloud - Backup from on-premises infrastructure to the public cloud, including short-term backups for operational recovery and long-term backups for compliance.
      • Long-term retention - Backup from on-premises infrastructure to public cloud object storage for long-term retention and compliance requirements.
      • In-cloud backup - Backup from workloads running in public cloud virtual machine instances to public cloud object storage.

      Why is deduplication important for cloud backup?

      Storing data in the cloud can be expensive in both the short term and long term. Successful deduplication can ensure that only the minimal amount of data required is backed up to the cloud, helping to reduce storage costs.

    • PowerProtect DP Series Appliances

      PowerProtect DP series appliances, the next generation of Integrated Data Protection Appliance (IDPA), offer complete data backup, replication and recovery, all in one.

    • Explore PowerProtect Appliances

      PowerProtect appliances provide midsize and enterprise organizations with data backup, recovery and replication.

    • Explore Dell Data Protection

      Protect the business value of your data with industry-leading data protection solutions from Dell.