What’s up with WordCamp St. Louis 2016?

The short version:

WordCamp St. Louis will be Friday, May 14th and Saturday, May 15th at Washington University. Sign-up for more information and we’ll let you know once our site is up.

Slightly longer version:

WordCamp central is working on revamping their process for organizing WordCamps. Part of that new process requires that we have a mentor to help us. Mentors are volunteers and we’re all out of ’em! So we’re waiting for a mentor, to get the OK, to get our site setup, to start doing all the fun things that come with organizing a WordCamp!

WordPress West Meetup Notes: Speeding up WordPress

Thanks to everyone that was able to make it out to the WordPress Meetup West on Monday night. We covered speeding up your WordPress site at the server level, theme level, and content level.

Next month we’ll be looking for speakers to give 5-10 minute lightning talks. So if anyone has a topic they’d like to share send me a message through the Meetup group and we’ll get things set up.

Here’s the notes: