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Fort Belknap Tribal Lands

Coeur d’Alene

Coeur d’Alene Tribe THPO and Hndesnet (Culture Program) staff working with summer youth interns on recognition of historically peeled cedar trees, the practices surrounding the harvest and traditional uses of cedar bark.

Nanih Waiya Mound

Nanih Waiya Mound, erected over 1,000 years ago, is likely the “Mother” mound referred to in Choctaw legend. In 1828, Chief Greenwood Laflore used the mound for a national assembly to make laws to bring harmony with white civilization during the Choctaw Emigration from Mississippi (1830-1840). Many have said they would never abandon their “Mother” as long as she stands.

Quapaw Pow Wow

Quapaw Pow Wow

Quapaw Pow Wow at the Quapaw Pow Wow Grounds, also known as Beaver Springs, in Quapaw, Oklahoma. This area hosts the annual Quapaw Pow Wow which is annual celebration and reunion for our tribal nation and visitors which goes back 150 years.

Lakota, Dakota, Nakota riders. Horse societies bring peace.

Lakota, Dakota, Nakota riders.

Horse societies bring peace.

Pala’s Swinging Bridge

over the San Luis Rey River was built in the early 1900s and was the only way for people to cross the river during floods.

Archaeological field school

Archaeological field school on Makah Reservation, led by THPO

Welcome to the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers

The National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO) is a non-profit membership organization of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs) that supports and encourages Tribal historic preservation programs. We provide guidance to preservation officials, elected representatives, and the public about national historic preservation legislation, policies, and regulations. We promote Tribal sovereignty, develop partnerships, and advocate for Tribes in governmental activities on preservation and funding issues.


Challenges Into Opportunities

As part of Preservation Month, the National Trust for Historic Preservation is celebrating People Saving Places, a national high-five to everyone doing the great work of preserving historic places. NATHPO has been tapped to share our successes, challenges, and hopes for the future. Challenges Into Opportunities: The National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers | National Trust for Historic Preservation (


New Guide Aims to Help Change Derogatory Place Names on Public Lands
A Guide To Changing Racist and Offensive Place Names in the United States — co-sponsored by NATHPO and The Wilderness Society —  provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to apply to name or rename offensive places through the U.S. The free guide also provides advice for engaging Tribes, local communities, and state naming authorities.


NATHPO Testimony in Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Hearing on NAGPRA, February 2, 2022
Watch recording here: Oversight Hearing "The Long Journey Home: Advancing the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act’s Promise After 30 Years of Practice”

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THPO Toolkit: Sec 106 Discussion

Recording available!

This toolkit workshop will include a concise "101" on NHPA Section 106, followed by introduction of a new guide in the works by the United Auburn Indian Community THPO, pro tips from the Coeur d’Alene Tribe THPO, concluding with discussion and Q&A with the panel and your THPO peers.

Search Directory

There are more than 200 NPS-recognized THPOs. These Indian Tribes have assumed the responsibilities of the State Historic Preservation Officers for their respective Tribal lands. These 200+ sovereign governments have a land base exceeding 50 million acres spanning 30 states.

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Job postings, available internships, and grant opportunities provided to NATHPO from you, our community, partners, and other Tribal & cultural resource organizations and firms.

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NATHPO is a national non-profit membership organization that empowers Tribal preservation leaders to protect culturally important places that perpetuate Native identity, resilience, and cultural endurance.

NATHPO Mission

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The National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers is a non-profit organization that relies upon support and partnerships.

Help NATHPO elevate Tribal voices in cultural and historic preservation to protect Native places.