Can’t or Don’t want to Code?
No problem!

Discover the most awesome free and open-source tools used by business owners, entrepreneurs, designers, and users around the world to create the application they need to succeed without coding.


Discover the best free tools to build your application or to satisfy your needs, no code required

What is nocode anyway?

When we talk about nocode or applications without code is about the end-user, about the experience of the person who wants to achieve a particular goal but cannot or does not want to have to learn to code or hire a developer.

It does not mean that there is no code behind the application, because every application needs programming, it is simply that the code is not visible or necessary for the user to create his application.

Why FreeNocode?

The goal of this project is to strongly promote nocode applications for the end-user, but keeping in mind attribution and innovation.

This can only be achieved by choosing free, open-source nocode applications that guarantee future developments without depending on business and/or commercial decisions.

For this reason, all the applications you will find on this website are free and open source, most of them also free of charge, and of course, all of them are nocode applications, that the end-user can use without knowing or having to write a single line of code.

What’s wrong with nocode movement?

The main reason for creating this website was that I detected something intrinsically perverse in how the nocode movement is spreading.

On other sites about nocode, there are no free open source tools, only closed source proprietary applications, and a kind of denigration for open-source nocode applications, which are precisely those that have contributed most to democratizing business creation.

Relying on proprietary applications means killing free open source applications in the long run. Using open source applications is not incompatible with the nocode movement, in fact, it is the best possible option.

Free Nocode Applications



The easiest and more powerful web creation application, that have democratized online presence for small business and entrepreneurs.
Get your website ready in a few clicks!

Online Store


Free and full-featured nocode eCommerce application that runs the most successful online stores in the World.
Create your Online Store and Begin to sell your goods without coding!


Yoast SEO

Push your content to Search Engines with this comprehensive and free tool, fully integrated with your web and eCommerce.
Gain the best positions in Google’s search result pages!



Email marketing campaigns with this free and ready to use sales and engagement automation tool.
Gain new leads and sales easily and fast!



Free and open analytics system, privacy and cookies regulations compliance. Track your visitors and sales without share their data with Google and others.



Translate automatically your website or eCommerce for free to more than 100 languages. Edit your content directly on your pages.



Create your website from scratch in a few clicks with the most intuitive and easy onboarding wizard.
The best web technologies at your fingers!

Website Design


The most intuitive and easy to use nocode application for web design.
Huge controls, templates and an easy interface for beginners.



The most professional website translation system.
Automatic language detection and the most complete translation software.



The best free alternative to MS Office, with all the office productivity applications you need for your business
Create all types of documents compatible with any office suite!

Online Store


The widest variety of artificial intelligence extensions for your online store.
Start selling professionally with advanced shopping and loyalty tools for your online store!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate WP

The most complete and simple affiliate marketing system in just a few clicks.
Promote your products and services without risk and with great profits for you and your affiliates.

Is up to You!

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