How Much Does Hardwood Floor Repair Cost?

Typical Range:

$447 - $1,524

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Updated May 3, 2022

Reviewed by Ezra Laniado, Expert Contributor.

Written by HomeAdvisor.

Hardwood Floor Repair Cost

Hardwood floor repair costs $985 on average and typically ranges between $447 and $1,524. Some homeowners report repairs hitting $3,000. You'll spend $2 to $25 per square foot on average, depending on the fix for the damage you have. Some reports have repairs costing up to $100 per square foot. Repairs range from minor scratches to severe water damage.

Fixing hardwood usually includes one or a combination of sanding, replacing, staining and refinishing to match new wood to existing floors. This guide covers the cost to fix scratches, cupping, water damage, rot and mold.

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National Average $985
Typical Range $447 - $1,524
Low End - High End $175 - $3,500

Cost data is based on actual project costs as reported by 2,696 HomeAdvisor members.

Hardwood Flooring Repair Cost

Repairing hardwood floors cost anywhere from $1 to $100 per square foot or $100 to $3,000 or more total. In many cases, it's cheaper to replace your floors than to repair a small section. However, you might prefer to save historic floors. Despite the price tag, major repairs often have a smaller environmental impact.

Actual repair costs depend heavily on what type of repair you're getting.


Cost Per Square Foot to Fix

Uneven Floors

$3 – $60


$7 – $15


$1 – $8

Mold or Mildew

$10 – $25


$0 – $8

Water Damage

$8 – $100


$3 – $8


$0.50 – $3

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Cost to Fix Uneven Hardwood Floors

Uneven floor repairs cost $3 to $60 per square foot to repair. What you'll pay depends on what the cause is. If your floors need sanding and refinishing to take off high spots, you'll pay $3 to $8 per square foot. If you need to level it before refinishing, add $200 to $800 to that price. If you need to repair the foundation or fix or replace joists, you'll pay between $40 and $60 per square foot. Foundation repairs cost $2,000 and up.

Hardwood Floor Scratch Repair Cost

Scratches cost anywhere from $75 to $2,000 or $1 to $8 per square foot. For a single scratch, you might go with an inexpensive wood filler and stain. For extensive scratches, you'll likely need to refinish the floor completely, costing closer to $2,000.

Hardwood Mold or Mildew Repairs

Mold remediation costs $1,150 to $3,350. Repairing mold or mildew means hiring a local mold remediation specialist. They'll remove mold first, often including the wood planks. Replacing hardwood floors costs an additional $2,500 to $6,700.

Hardwood Floor Cupping Repair Costs

Repairing hardwood floor cupping costs up to $8 per square foot. You'll notice the edges of your planks raising slightly. This happens because of higher humidity in the room than normal. You can reverse cupping by lowering the humidity in the room.

  1. Consider sanding and refinishing: You may need to take this extra step if your cupping problem doesn't right itself after a few days.

  2. Identify the source of added moisture: Check plumbing in the area. Plumbing leak fixes cost $150 to $350 to repair on average.

  3. Dehumidify the area: You can do this with a simple dehumidifier for the room. Or, consider a whole house dehumidifier costing $1,300 to $2,800—less than the cost of replacing your floors.

If you notice this soon after installation, the wood probably wasn't appropriately acclimated. All solid hardwood floors need to rest in your house in the open air for a few days to acclimate to your home's moisture content. If you don't acclimate them, they may take on moisture and expand, causing cupping. In dry homes, they lose moisture and shrink, causing gaps.

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Cost to Repair Hardwood Floors Per Square Foot

Repairing hardwood floors costs $0.50 to $100 per square foot. But typically, you'll spend between $3 to $25. For smaller repairs, like water damage to 20 square feet, you'll pay a total cost or per hour rather than per square foot. Per square foot costs go down as the area of the repair goes up. “In many cases, once a small area is repaired, the finish color there no longer will match the rest of the flooring and thus will require a refinish of the entire flooring throughout in order to maintain a consistent floor,” says Ezra Laniado, Expert Home Building and Remodeling Contributor.

Hardwood Floor Water Damage Repair Cost

Repairing water damaged floors costs $8 to $50 per square foot. That price repairs or replaces boards as necessary and blends them into your existing room. It's more expensive to repair water damage than to replace your floor if it's widespread. However, it's less intrusive to repair and less environmentally impactful.

You may need to repair joists and subfloors for extensive damage and may want to refinish the entire room.

Labor Cost to Repair Hardwood Floors

For labor alone to repair hardwood floors, you'll pay $65 to $100 per hour. Projects take anywhere from 5 to 24 hours. So, labor ranges from $325 to $2,400 total for most wood floor projects.

DIY vs Hire a Professional

Some things, like light scratches or cupping, you may try to repair yourself. Buffing out a top layer or turning on a dehumidifier (or turning off a humidifier) could quickly and easily fix your problem. But for deep gouges, water damage and mold, always call a professional. It's likely that a DIY fix can quickly lead to a professional replacement. A local hardwood floor repair company usually inspects your damage before making suggestions and providing a quote.

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What's the difference between repairing and refinishing wood floors?

Refinishing a hardwood floor involves removing the top layer, often with a sander. Then, you'll put a new layer of stain and sealant on it. Refinishing is the repair for scratched floors. But, for water damage, cupping and uneven floors, you're likely looking at a different method to fix them.

How do you repair damaged wood floors?

Repairing damaged wood floors depends on the cause. You'll usually employ one of two methods: refinishing or replacing.

How do I know when I need to replace wood floors?

The best way to find out if you need to replace your floors is talk to a professional. A local hardwood floor installer can tell you if you can refinish what you have or if you need to replace.

How do you protect hardwood floors from water damage?

The best way to protect your hardwood floors from water damage is to keep water away from it. That means inspecting pipes annually and monitoring the humidity levels in your home.

How do you repair engineered wood flooring?

Most engineered hardwood floors have a wear layer, which means you can sand it down once or twice. Otherwise, repairs mean replacement.

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