The better way
to find a builder

MyBuilder makes it easy to find quality local tradespeople, reviewed by other homeowners, all across the UK.

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Don't just take our word for it

Mumsnet rated 2019

Hire an exceptional tradesperson

Step 1 Illustration of some one posting a job on their phone

Post a job today

Tell us about your job, and we'll alert suitable tradespeople in your area. It’s simple and free.

Step 2 Illustration of a tradesperson responding to a posted job

Tradespeople respond

Once your job is posted, you'll get responses from interested tradespeople through the website.

Step 3 Illustration of a list of trade profiles to choose from

Review and choose

Browse profiles, work history, and feedback, then choose who you wish to share your details with.

See how it works

Insurance for your job

MyBuilder Plus is a comprehensive optional policy for your job that takes away the stress and financial risk if the unexpected happens.

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Fanatical about feedback

The best way to know a tradesperson is to listen to their customers.
Feedback isn't just a feature on MyBuilder. We've built our whole business on it.

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Our customers love us

Trade academy

The essential resource for those wanting to forge a successful career on the tools.

Go to the trade academy