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NPC Highlights: Annual Report to Congress

CMR 15 - 24

Highlights of the Executive Summary of the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
2014 Nonprofit Corporations (NPC) Annual Report
(based upon reports submitted in June 2015)


  • All 83 of the NPCs submitted annual reports.
  • 99 percent of NPC revenues were subject to outside independent audits (14 NPCs either fell below the amount that triggers the annual audit requirement or fell within the 3 year intervening period); and
  • 45 NPCs reported increased overall revenue in 2014, compared to 47 in fiscal year 2013.


Revenue Sources



% Change


$ 73,809,000

$ 74,867,000










Total NPC Revenues

$ 267,999,000

$ 264,931,000


2014 Revenue Type



Other - general revenue

(i.e., interest income)

$264.1 million (98%)

$1.9 million (1%)

$2.0 million (1%)

Revenue Range

# of NPCs - 2014

# of NPCs - 2013

# of NPCs - 2012

Below $500K

29 (36%)

27 (33%)

32 (40%)

$500K - $1M

12 (14%)

15 (18%)

10 (12%)

$1M - $10M

35 (42%)

34 (41%)

33 (41%)

$10M and Above

7 ( 8%)

7 ( 8%)

6 ( 7%)

Total NPCs







% Change

Total NPC Expenditures

$268.1 million

$262.1 million


Selected NPC activities other than direct support for research projects and education activities:

  • Renovate and upgrade VA research infrastructure;
  • Provide funds, staffing, and training support to VA and affiliate universities to help cover Institutional Review Board requirements;
  • Pay for expenses related to recruitment of research investigators to the VA system;
  • Fund seed grants to new investigators to aid them in establishing their VA research careers;
  • Employ support staff for VA research projects;
  • Cover the cost of training VA research personnel in topics such as research compliance, good clinical practice, and board governance;
  • Underwrite bridge funding for VA investigators who are between research grant awards;
  • Support travel and registration fees for VA investigators to attend scientific conferences;
  • Procure personnel, equipment, and supplies for VA animal research facilities;
  • Provide funds for research pharmaceutical staff and equipment; and
  • Host national educational conferences for VA personnel with incidental attendance by health professionals from surrounding communities.

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