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November 2017

Press Release: DoD Releases Sexual Assault Local Installation Data

June 2017

Press Release: DoD Launches Online Learning Program to Help Military Survivors of Sexual Assault

May 2017

Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military

Press Release: DoD Releases FY 2016 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military

DoD News Story: Sexual Assaults in Military Drop, Reporting Goes Up, Annual Report Reveal

March 2017

Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies (MSAs) for Academic Program Year (APY) 2015-2016

Fact Sheet: Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the MSAs for APY 2015-2016

Press Releases: DoD Releases Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at Military Service Academies

December 2016

DoD Plan to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Assault of Military Men

Fact Sheet: DoD Plan to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Assault of Military Men

DoD News Article: DoD Unveils Plan to Broaden Sexual Assault Support to Men

May 2016

DoD Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 5, 2016

Fact Sheet: DoD Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 5, 2016

Highlights Infographic: DoD Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 5, 2016

Press Release: DoD Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 5, 2016

DMDC 2015 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Reserve Component Members Report

DMDC 2015 Focus Groups on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Report

DMDC 2015 Military Investigation and Justice Experience Survey Report

DMDC 2015 QuickCompass of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Related Responders Report

April 2016

DoD Retaliation Prevention and Response Strategy: Regarding Sexual Assault and Harassment Reports

Fact Sheet: DoD Retaliation Prevention and Response Strategy: Regarding Sexual Assault and Harassment Reports

DoD Releases Department-wide Strategy to Prevent Retaliation Associated with Reporting Sexual Assault or Harassment

Press Release: Commitment to Helping Sexual Assault Victims Earns Honors

January 2016

Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies, 
Academic Program Year 2014-2015

Highlights Infographic: APY 2014-2015 MSA Report, January 6, 2016

Fact Sheet: APY 2014-2015 MSA Report, January 6, 2016

Executive Summary: APY 2014-2015 MSA Report, January 6, 2016

Service Academy Gender Relations (SAGR) Focus Groups Report (2015), January 6, 2016

DoD News Article: APY 2014-2015 MSA Report Released

Press Release: Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies, January 6, 2016

July 2015

Info Paper: DoD Instruction 6495.02, "Change 2," July 7, 2015

June 2015

DoD Live Blog Post: Talking to a Survivor of Sexual Assault, June 5, 2015

May 2015

DoD News Article: Carter Names New Sexual Assault Prevention Office Director, May 22, 2015

DoD News Transcript: DoD Press Briefing on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 1, 2015

DoD News Article: Independent Survey Shows Decline in Military Sexual Assaults, May 1, 2015

DoD News Article: DoD News: DoD Efforts to Combat Sexual Assault Begin Paying Off, May 1, 2015

Secretary of Defense Memo: Initiatives to Address Sexual Assault Prevention and Response and Retaliation Associated with Reporting Crime, May 1, 2015

FY14 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 1, 2015

Executive Summary: FY14 Annual Report, May 1, 2015

Fact Sheet: FY14 Annual Report, May 1, 2015

Highlights Infographic: FY14 Annual Report, May 1, 2015

April 2015

DoD News Article: DoD Honors Sexual Assault Response Coordinators, Apr. 24, 2015

DoD News Article: Carter Urges ‘Force of Future’ to Eradicate Sexual Assault, Apr. 22, 2015

SAPR Source Newsletter - April 2015 Edition

DoD News Article: Carter: Sexual Assault Undermines Military’s Values, Apr. 3, 2015

White House Proclamation: Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, Apr. 1, 2015

March 2015

DoD News Article: Sexual Assault Prevention Chief Notes Progress, Need for More, Mar. 26, 2015

SAPR Source Newsletter - March 2015 Edition

February 2015

DoD News Article: Sexual Assault Rates Decrease at Military Service Academies, Feb. 11, 2015

Press Release: Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies, Feb. 11, 2015

MSA Report for Academic Program Year (APY) 2013-2014, Feb. 10, 2015

Executive Summary: MSA Report for APY 2013-2014, Feb. 10 2015

Fact Sheet: MSA Report for APY 2013-2014, Feb. 10, 2015

Secretary of Defense Initiatives: MSA Report for APY 2013-2014, Feb. 10, 2015

Service Academy Gender Relations (SAGR) Survey Report (2014), Feb. 10, 2015

Executive Summary: SAGR Survey Report (2014), Feb. 10, 2015

January 2015

Press Release: Hagel: Fight to End Sexual Assault Must Be ‘Personal,’ Jan. 16, 2015

November-December 2014

SAPR Source Newsletter - Winter 2014 Edition

DoD News Article: "More Must be Done to Eliminate Sexual Assault, Hagel Says," December 4, 2014

Press Release: Secretary Hagel Releases Progress Report to the President on Sexual Assault in the Military, Announces Four New Directives to Strengthen Department Response, December 4, 2014

Secretary of Defense Initiatives, December 3, 2014

DoD Report to the President of the United States on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, signed November 25, 2014

Executive Summary: DoD Report to the President of the United States on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, signed November 25, 2014

Fact Sheet: DoD Report to the President of the United States on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, signed November 25, 2014

October 2014

Defense Media Activity News Article: “DoD Recognizes Commitment to Prevent Sexual Assault,” October 15, 2014

September 2014

SAPR Source Newsletter - Summer 2014 Edition

July 2014

American Forces Press Service: "DoD Announces New Award for Sexual Assault Prevention Innovation," July 01, 2014

May 2014

Secretary of Defense Memo and DoD SAPR Prevention Strategy, May 01, 2014

DoD FY13 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 01, 2014

DoD FY13 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military Fact Sheet, May 01, 2014

American Forces Press Service: "Hagel: Numbers Reflect Victim Confidence in Reporting Assaults," May 01, 2014

Press Release: Department of Defense Issues New Initiatives to Eliminate Sexual Assault, Updates Prevention Strategy and Releases 2013 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, May 01, 2014

April 2014

White House Blog: "What They're Saying: New Steps to Protect Students from Sexual Assault," April 29, 2014

American Forces Press Service: “Commitment to Helping Sexual Assault Victims Earns Honors,” Apr. 23, 2014

American Forces Press Service: “Battle Against Sexual Assault Begins at Top, Hagel Says,” Apr. 21, 2014

American Forces Press Service: “General Encourages Social Courage to Combat Sexual Assault,” Apr. 18, 2014

DoD Live Blog: “Snow: Victim Advocacy, Social Courage Key to Fighting Sexual Assault,” Apr. 16, 2014

American Forces Press Service: "Maj. Gen Snow Visits Safe Helpline," Apr. 16, 2014

American Forces Press Service: "DOD Unveils Improved Sexual Assault Prevention training," Apr. 15, 2014

SAPR Source Newsletter - Spring 2014 Edition

DoD Live Blog: “Chairman Discusses Combating Sexual Assault in the Military,” Apr. 10, 2014

March 2014

Navy Blog: “Visiting Norfolk with DOD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office Director” as noted in the blog of Rear Adm. Sean Buck, Mar. 13, 2014

January 2014

American Forces Press Service: “Sexual Assault Reports Drop at Service Academies,” Jan. 10, 2014

Press Release: DoD Evaluates Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Efforts at Military Academies, Jan. 10, 2014

Secretary of Defense Memo: MSA Report for Academic Program Year 2012-2013

MSA Report for Academic Program Year 2012-2013

2013 Service Academy Gender Relations (SAGR) Focus Groups Report

December 2013

Statement by the President of the United States on Eliminating Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces, issued 20 December 2013

Statement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, released 20 December 2013

Press Release: DoD Announces New SAPRO Director

DoD SAPR Program Foundation & Initiatives, 01 December 2013

October 2013

CJCS Notice 3500.01: 2014-2017 Chairman's Joint Training Guidance, 10 October 2013

September 2013

SAPR Source September 2013 Newsletter

August 2013

SECDEF Memo: SAPR Initiatives, 14 August 2013

May 2013

DOD Expands Safe Helpline with Innovative Peer Support System for Sexual Assault Victims

Press Release: DoD Releases Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Strategy

DOD Announces Establishment of the Response Systems to Adult Sexual Assault Crimes Panel

SECDEF Memo and DoD SAPR Strategic Plan 6 May 2013

DoD FY12 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military - Volume One

DoD FY12 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military - Volume Two

2012 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members

2012 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Reserve Component Members

2012 QuickCompass of Sexual Assault Response Coordinators

2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

April 2013

Statement from Secretary Hagel on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

Director of National Intelligence Issues New Security Clearance Guidance

Message to the Department of Defense from Secretary Chuck Hagel on Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

December 2012

Press Release: DOD Evaluates Sexual Harassment and Prevention Response Efforts at Military Academies

Memo: MSA Report for Academic Program Year 2011-2012

MSA Report for Academic Program Year 2011-2012

2012 Service Academy Gender Relations Survey

September 2012

Secretary of Defense Guidance for Mental Counseling and Security Clearances

New DOD Safe Helpline Mobile App Now Available

Press Release: Department of Defense Expands Sexual Assault Prevention Efforts

Memo: Evaluation of Pre-Command Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Training

Memo: Prevention and Report of Sexual Assault

PreCommand Training Evaluation Final Report

June 2012

New Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Director Named

May 2012

SAPRSource May 2012 Newsletter

Strategic Direction to the Joint Force on SAPR

April 2012

DOD Releases Annual Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Report

Fiscal Year 2011 DoD Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military

February 2012

SAPRSource February 2012 Newsletter

DoD Directive 6495.01 – Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program

January 2012

Secretary Panetta's Comments on Sexual Assault

Secretary Panetta and Major General Mary Kay Hertog Take Questions on Sexual Assault

December 2011

Sexual Assault Report, Two New Policies Announced

New policy on Document Retention (DTM 062)

New policy on Expedited Transfers (DTM 063)

MSA Report for Academic Program Year 2010-2011

2011 Sexual Assault Gender Relations Focus Groups Report

April 2011

2011 Exceptional SARC Award Ceremony Photographs
Photos from the 2011 Exceptional SARC Award Ceremony

2011 Exceptional SARC Awardees

DOD Launches New Helpline to Support Victims of Sexual Assault

2011 Department of Justice Federal Service Award – Dr. Charlotte Moerbe, USAF SARC

March 2011

The Diane Rehm Show, February 17, 2011, Sexual Assault and the U.S. Military, WAMU 88.5 FM, American University Radio

Part 1 -  Part 2 -  Part 3 -  Part 4 -  Part 5 -  Part 6

Part 7 -  Part 8 -  Part 9 -  Part 10 -  Part 11

2011 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Campaign

February 2011

DoD Safe Helpline SARC Guidance

January 2011

First-Ever Presidential Proclamation of National Stalking Awareness Month

SAPR Source January Newsletter

Access Previous News from 2010 - 2004 here.