Visiting professor

University of São Paulo offers mobility programs for visitors from foreign higher education institutions. The USP International Cooperation Office is responsible for all aspects of Universidade de São Paulo international affairs.

Additional Aid for Foreign Professors and Researchers

Foreign professors interested in coming to USP in order to develop activities involving undergraduate and graduate students can be offered a financial aid, which is given in daily rates for the specific period of these activities and according to the values defined by the University. The financial aid request must be submitted by a USP professor. More information: [email protected]

Scholarships for International Visiting Professors

Rules and procedures are published in the USP Resolution 7192, 19/04/2016. The interested visiting professor must contact a USP professor. The application must be submitted by a USP professor.

French Chairs Program in São Paulo

Applications are available for professors and researchers from all areas of knowledge from universities in France who are interested in pursuing academic activities at USP. The notices are posted on this site periodically.