var twilio = twilio || {}; twilio.environment = "prod"; twilio.baseUrl = ""; twilio.DOCSEARCH_APP_ID = "OOAM14PGB2"; twilio.DOCSEARCH_API_KEY = "22caea5865713b51c9dc8953bba2db41"; twilio.FACEBOOK_APP_ID = "414254592083321"; twilio.account = twilio.account || {}; twilio.user = twilio.user || {}; twilio.user.visitorSid = "VIec701ff35834c20e21bb703c87fa4e0f"; twilio.user.language = "node-js";   window.experiment = '';      Twilio Video | Twilio                                 Twilio Docs    SMS   Voice   Runtime   Video   Studio   All docs...       English     English    日本語   Français   Português       SDKs   Help      Log in   Sign up             SMS Voice Runtime Video Studio All docs... SDKs Help Log in Sign up               Programmable Video     Twilio



          Overview     Getting Started    JavaScript SDK     Android SDK     iOS SDK     Tutorials and More Getting Started Resources       Technical Concepts    Basic Concepts     Understanding Video Rooms     Understanding Video Rooms APIs     Understanding Video Recordings and Compositions       Platform SDKs    Platform SDK Support Policy     JavaScript    Overview     API Reference     Changelog     Building a JS Video App: Recommendations and Best Practices     Specify Audio and Video Constraints in JavaScript     Migrating from 1.x to 2.x     Older Releases       Android    Overview     API Reference     KTX API Reference     Changelog     Migrating from 6.x to 7.x     Older Releases       iOS    Overview     API Reference     Changelog     Migrating from 4.x to 5.x     Older Releases         REST API Reference    Overview     Rooms      Participants     Recording Rules     PublishedTrack     Track Subscriptions      Recordings      Encrypted Recordings     External S3 Recordings     Recording Rules      Compositions      Encrypted Compositions     External S3 Compositions     Composition Hooks      Status Callbacks       Developer Guides    Enhancing Quality    Developing High Quality Video Applications     Working with VP8 Simulcast     Using the Track Priority API     Using the Network Bandwidth Profile API     Video Regions and Global Low Latency     Using the Network Quality API       Reconnection States and Events     Encrypting your Stored Media     Storing into AWS S3     Managing Codecs     Add Programmable Voice Participants to Video Rooms     Guide to Scaling Applications     Quotas and Limits     Configure Maximum Participant Duration     Programmable Video Processors     Advanced iOS SDK Topics    Video Source APIs     Configuring Audio, Video Input and Output devices       Advanced Android SDK Topics    Configuring Audio, Video Input and Output devices         Insights, Troubleshooting, and Diagnostics    Video Insights     Video Log Analyzer API     Pre-call Testing and Diagnostics     Preflight API     JavaScript Room Monitor     JavaScript Logger       Security Considerations    User Identity & Access Tokens     Video IP Addresses     Media Security       Tutorials    Detecting the Dominant Speaker     Using the DataTrack API     Screen Capture       Solutions Library    Telemedicine Virtual Visits       Twilio Live          Rate this page:       Twilio Video Twilio Video is a programmable real-time communications platform that allows you to add video chat functionality to your web, iOS, and Android applications. The platform provides APIs, SDKs, and helper tools to capture, distribute, record, and render high quality audio and video applications.

 Get started now      Twilio handles room management, authentication, and signalling for Video Rooms  1   Twilio servers       Use Twilio's SDKs to add video, audio, and data tracks to your web or mobile application  2   Your app   Twilio.Video .createLocalVideoTrack() .then(track => { const container = document.getElementById('container'); container.appendChild(track.attach()); });      Customize your entire video experience using Twilio's flexible APIs  3   Add video to your application!      Take the next steps     Launch a Demo App      Learn More      Explore More Features       Launch a Demo App  Deploy your first Twilio Video application in minutes. Try the full-featured Quick Deploy applications below, which include screensharing, dominant speaker detection, network quality detection, and more.

       Ruby Python PHP Node.js Java curl C# twilio-cli    # Download the helper library from require 'rubygems' require 'twilio-ruby' # Find your Account SID and Auth Token at # and set the environment variables. See account_sid = ENV['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'] auth_token = ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'] @client =, auth_token) room = type: 'go', unique_name: 'My First Video Room' ) puts room.sid  # Download the helper library from import os from import Client # Find your Account SID and Auth Token at # and set the environment variables. See account_sid = os.environ['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID'] auth_token = os.environ['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'] client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) room ='go', unique_name='My First Video Room') print(room.sid)  <?php // Update the path below to your autoload.php, // see require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php'; use Twilio\Rest\Client; // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at // and set the environment variables. See $sid = getenv("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"); $token = getenv("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"); $twilio = new Client($sid, $token); $room = $twilio->video->v1->rooms ->create([ "type" => "go", "uniqueName" => "My First Video Room" ] ); print($room->sid); // Download the helper library from // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at // and set the environment variables. See const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID; const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN; const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);{type: 'go', uniqueName: 'My First Video Room'}) .then(room => console.log(room.sid));  // Install the Java helper library from import com.twilio.Twilio; import; public class Example { // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at // and set the environment variables. See public static final String ACCOUNT_SID = System.getenv("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"); public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = System.getenv("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"); public static void main(String[] args) { Twilio.init(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN); Room room = Room.creator() .setType(Room.RoomType.GO) .setUniqueName("My First Video Room") .create(); System.out.println(room.getSid()); } } curl -X POST \ --data-urlencode "Type=go" \ --data-urlencode "UniqueName=My First Video Room" \ -u $TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID:$TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN // Install the C# / .NET helper library from using System; using Twilio; using Twilio.Rest.Video.V1; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Find your Account SID and Auth Token at // and set the environment variables. See string accountSid = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"); string authToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"); TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken); var room = RoomResource.Create( type: RoomResource.RoomTypeEnum.Go, uniqueName: "My First Video Room" ); Console.WriteLine(room.Sid); } }  # Install the twilio-cli from twilio api:video:v1:rooms:create \ --type go \ --unique-name "My First Video Room"         Ahoy, World!    React Quick Deploy  Android Quick Deploy  iOS Quick Deploy          Learn More  You’ve got an idea in mind. Let’s get it to production.

 Pick the docs that are right for you. These guides, sample app tutorials, and API reference docs will get you across the deploy line, straight to HTTP 200 OK.

            Video Fundamentals   Learn about the core platform components  Twilio Video Overview WebRTC Go Rooms: Free, 1:1 chat Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Rooms Group Rooms Understanding Recordings & Compositions Livestream with Twilio Live      API Reference   Connect with Twilio via the REST API and helper libraries to create, query, and update Video resources  Rooms Participants Track Subscriptions Recordings Compositions      High-Quality Video   Scale your video application as your audience grows  Developing High Quality Video Applications Get insights into your application with Video Insights Debug in-progress Rooms with the JavaScript Room Monitor Add virtual backgrounds with the Video Processors library        Explore More Features  Grow your app and explore the set of tools Twilio Video provides.

 Deploy a full-featured Quick Deploy web or mobile application. Learn about advanced features and specific use cases where companies are successfully using Twilio Video in production applications. Dive into Twilio Forums, where other developers are asking and answering questions related to building video applications. 

           Troubleshooting & Diagnostics    Video Insights Video Log Analyzer API More Troubleshooting & Diagnostics Tools      Guides    Dominant Speaker Detection Using the DataTrack API Screen Capture Telemedicine Virtual Visits Build a Live Video Streaming Application      What Others Are Building    Video posts on the Twilio Blog Customer stories Questions about Video on Twilio Forums        Related Products  Twilio offers other tools to enhance your Video applications. Livestream your Video Room, add in-application chat, and synchronize your application's state across devices. 

    Docs      Live Livestream your Twilio Video Rooms for an unlimited audience

     Docs      Conversations Build conversational, cross-channel messaging

     Docs      Sync Synchronize state across web and mobile applications

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