Supplier Management

Comprehensive solutions to help you make sure there are no weak links in your supply chain.

Sourcing Partnerships That Last

Does that new factory you’re considering for your next production run meet all the right criteria for quality management? What’s the best way to enforce your ethical standards without creating compliance fatigue on the supplier end? Your long-term supplier has been shipping products of consistently lower quality, but you don’t want to sever ties with them yet – so how should you handle it?

The QIMA services under the Supplier Management category are designed to help you answer these questions, and many more – so that your business relationship with your supplier is a true win-win.

Evaluate, Educate, Improve

The main solutions in our Supplier Management branch aim to assist you on the three key fronts of your supply chain management:

  • Evaluate your potential or existing supplier’s capabilities and quality management systems with a Manufacturing Audit
  • Educate your suppliers and internal teams on your products, processes and requirements with the help of QIMA's eLearning Platform
  • Improve the state of ethical compliance, environmental management and structural safety at your suppliers’ facilities by bringing your Corrective Action Plan to life with our Factory Improvement Programs