Privacy & Security

At Tecsys Inc. (“Tecsys”), protecting your privacy is very important to us. Our goal is to treat the personal information you furnish us with the utmost respect, and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please read on for details about our practices for handling and securing your personal information.

By accessing, using and/or downloading materials from this Site, you agree on your own behalf and on behalf of each entity on whose behalf you act to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

What Information Do We Collect?

Anonymous browsing

You can visit this site without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself, including your e-mail address. In this case, our Web server may collect the name of the IP address you used to access the Internet and the web site you came from and visit next. This information is used by us and our business partners to measure the number of visits, average time spent, page views, and other statistics about visitors to this Site in general. We may also use this data to monitor site performance, for systems administration purposes, to make this Site easier and more convenient to use and to report information in aggregate form to our advisers (e.g. how many visitors log in to this Site).


Cookies are small pieces of data stored by your Internet browser on your computer’s hard drive, which permits certain sites to recognize you when you access such sites. We do not use cookies or any other mechanism to capture or maintain information from you without your consent.

Personal Information Collection

There are times when we may ask you for or you may choose to provide for information about yourself and your business to assist us in meeting your various needs. This information may be used for the purpose of providing you with products or services you have requested, servicing your account, improving our services, developing and/or informing you of additional products or services provided by Tecsys or our affiliates that may be of interest, or answering questions you may have. To provide these products or services, we may need to ask you directly to provide, among other things, your name, mailing address, postal code, e-mail address, phone number and date of birth. At times, we also conduct on-line surveys to better understand the needs, profiles, and experience of our visitors. You will be given the option of not participating in such surveys. Once you provide us such information about yourself, your browsing on this site will no longer be anonymous to us. Please note that we do not knowingly solicit information from children and we do not knowingly market our products and services to children.

Communication of Your Personnal Information to Affiliates and Third Parties

When you provide information to us, we may communicate and disclose your information with our affiliates, distributors and other third parties for the purpose of fulfilling and completing your requests and the transactions related thereto. These affiliates and third parties may be in Canada, the United States, or in other parts of the world.

Occasionally, we will send you e-mail communications with information, which may be useful to you, including information about our products and services or about offerings from Tecsys and our affiliates. We will include instructions in our e-mail messages on how to unsubscribe if you later decide you do not want to receive any future e-mails or other marketing contacts.

We may also aggregate statistics that we gather about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and products and services and provide these statistics to third parties; however, when we do, these statistics will not include any personal information that identifies individuals. All reasonable measures have also been taken so that the information you provide to us will not be used by our affiliates or third parties for purposes other than those indicated herein.

We may also use, disclose and communicate your personal information if required to do so by law including by an order of any court.

Additional information for individuals in the EU

Tecsys respects international laws and regulations including the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and our privacy practices are aligned with their requirements. If you are located in the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, we will comply with applicable legal requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of Personal Information to recipients in countries outside of the EEA.

You may have the following rights to:

  • Request access or copies of personal data Tecsys processes about you;
  • Rectify your personal data, if inaccurate or incomplete;
  • Delete your personal data, unless an exception applies;
  • Restrict the processing of your personal data, in certain circumstances;
  • The right to Data portability, in certain circumstances;
  • You can object to processing of your personal data, in certain circumstances.

These rights may be limited in some situations such as where Tecsys can demonstrate that Tecsys has a legal requirement or legitimate interest to process your personal data.

If you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes the GDPR, you have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the country where you live, or work, or where you consider that data protection rules have been breached. If Tecsys processes your personal data on behalf of a Tecsys customer, we will refer your complaint to our customer to handle.

How Do You Access and Update Your Information?

A copy of the personal information you provide to us and which we retain is kept on our servers located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. You can notify us to update the personal information you have provided to us, or you may request that we modify or delete information we have gathered during your visit by sending us e-mail at [email protected].

How Is Your Information Secured and Protected?

Where Tecsys considers it appropriate, Tecsys uses encryption and/or authentication tools among other methods to protect certain web-based personal information. E-mails you send us are not necessarily secure when they are transmitted to us.

We instruct our employees with access to your information that it is to be used only in adherence with the principles set forth in this Privacy Policy and the laws applicable to each specific business. Employees who misuse customer information may be subject to disciplinary action.

What if We Change Our Privacy Policy?

Tecsys reserves the right to modify or supplement this Privacy Policy statement at anytime. If we make any material change to this Privacy Policy, we will update this site to include such changes and post a notice on our home page with a link to the updated Privacy Policy. Please read any such notice and the new policy statement. Your continued use of this site after we post such notice will constitute your acceptance of the new terms and their application to your use of this site and the information disclosed for such use, including information previously furnished us, as if they were the initial terms. However, we will seek your consent if we want to use your personal information for purposes other than those you have agreed to previously.

Website Links

This Site may contain links to other sites, including those of our business partners, vendors and advertisers. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, please understand that we are not responsible for the content of the privacy practices employed by other sites.

Bulletin Boards and Discussion Areas

You should be aware that if you voluntarily disclose personal information on the bulletin boards or in the discussion areas of this site, that information may be collected and used by others and may result in unsolicited messages by other people over which we have no control.

We Want Your Feedback

In order to continually monitor and strengthen our privacy procedure, we have on staff a Manager of Privacy, who can be contacted at [email protected]. Please contact our Manager of Privacy if you have questions about information security, privacy and usage that were not answered here. We welcome any suggestions to our Privacy Policy.


Tecsys has created this security and privacy statement in order to demonstrate and communicate its commitment to doing business with the highest ethical standards and appropriate internal controls.

Our site’s secured forms require users to give us contact and personal information (like name, address, and credit card number). This information is used to ship orders, and to bill orders. This information is also used to get in touch with customers when necessary. Under no circumstances is this information shared with third parties other than for billing and shipping purposes. All personal information is received using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology. Moreover, credit card numbers are encrypted within our database and are discarded as soon as we receive the bank authorization number. No credit card number will be stored in our systems for any period longer than is strictly necessary.

Our site does not capture information regarding the specific activities of any particular user. It does, however, produce reports that allow us to view activity in anonymous aggregated form. We do not use cookies or any other mechanism to capture or maintain information from users without their consent. The only personal information we capture has been specifically submitted to us through secured forms. No sensitive information is sent via email.

If you have any questions about this security and privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with our company, please contact us at [email protected].

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