• Dell APEX for SAP

    Take the radically simplified path to the SAP intelligent enterprise with Dell APEX.

    • WHY Dell APEX

      Accelerate digital transformation and run the business on your terms

    • The numbers tell the story


      Making the case for SAP with Dell APEX

    • SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition

      Dell Technologies brings the benefits of the private cloud with data security and control of on-premises infrastructure to the turnkey SAP subscription offering, RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, customer data center option with Dell APEX.

    • SAP Landscape Consolidation

      Unify and simplify your technology infrastructure while supporting data consolidation to create modern SAP landscapes.

    • SAP Landscape Management

      Simplify, automate and centralize your management of complex environments using advanced storage-cased local and remote replication.

    • SAP TDI and Appliances

      Support your path to S/4HANA with certified TDI hardware and appliances to deliver performance, protection and availability for mission-critical applications.

    • SAP Data Tiering

      Reduce data in DRAM for HANA native applications, increasing capacity and volume management at minimal cost.

    • SAP Data Protection

      Integrate and centralize visibility and control to meet mission-critical protection SLOs.



      Public enterprise successfully migrates to SAP HANA

      Clark County, Nevada works with Dell Technologies and SAP to increase efficiency as well as quality of life for its citizens with the aim of building a smarter and better-connected community.


      Sausage production sizzles with advanced data protection

      Johnsonville Foods replaces its SAP HANA ERP tape backup system with smarter solution to ensure high-speed, reliable self-service backup and recovery for database administrators.


      Bottler transforms IT from edge to core to cloud

      Gerolsteiner makes the move to SAP S4HANA and SAP Intelligence Technologies cloud-based edge apps to improve demand forecasting and upgrade plant-wide systems.


      Medical care provider delivers lifesaving solutions to kidney patients

      Fresenius Medical Care consolidates mixed workloads to deliver exceptional performance to improve patient quality of life while reducing operational costs.

    • Energy supplier turbo-charging business insights

      Pakistan Petroleum Limited kickstarts its IT transformation to maximize business value of existing SAP HANA investment and pave the way to an S/4HANA application upgrade.

    • IT software developer moves business ahead with faster, more reliable recoveries

      Revelation Software Concepts protects their all-virtual environment and multiple SAP landscapes with faster backups and cloud-agnostic disaster recovery to stay competitive while meeting customer SLAs.


      As-a-Service, at your service

    • Dell Technologies Services

      From edge to core to cloud, Dell Technologies Services offer strategic guidance and proven practical capabilities to accelerate the time to value of your SAP capabilities, proving to be the perfect partner for your digital transformation.

      • Whatever the use case, Dell APEX services can help accelerate your journey

        As you embark on the road to digital transformation and modernization — no matter what industry — Dell APEX can help your organization race down that road by managing your needs, allowing you to focus on building your business.

  • Questions?
    We're here to help.
    From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we've got you covered.
    • 1 Based on the IDC Report commissioned by Dell technologies and Intel, “The Business Value of Storage Solutions from Dell Technologies”, February 2021. Actual results may vary.

      2 Based on an IDC White Paper commissioned by Dell Technologies and Intel: The Business Value of Dell APEX as a Service Solutions, August 2021. Estimates based on survey of 17 organizations using APEX as a Service Solutions, aggregated and combined into a composite organization. Actual results may vary.

      3 Based on an IDC White Paper commissioned by Dell Technologies and Intel: The Business Value of Dell APEX as a Service Solutions, August 2021. Estimates based on survey of 17 organizations using APEX as a Service Solutions, aggregated and combined into a composite organization. Actual results may vary.