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2018 Media Coverage

Germany and EU Firm on No New Brexit Renegotiation, as Embattled PM May Survives Confidence Vote

December 12, 2018
CNS News
The current political situation could complicate a soft Brexit deal, according to Dr. James Hess, professor of security and global studies.

Self-Interest and Regional Rivalry Ensure UN Security Council Reform Remains Elusive

December 05, 2018
CNS News
The G4 countries will continue to have an uphill struggle against gaining a permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the foreseeable future, according to Erik Kleinsmith, associate vice president, intelligence and national & homeland security.

The Unintended Consequences of Fake News

December 03, 2018
Global Security Review
“Fake news” is more than a passing political fad, according to Dr. Matthew Crosston, associate professor of security and global studies.

E.U. Members Debate Effectiveness of Further Sanctions Amid Russia-Ukraine Tensions

November 28, 2018
CNS News
Sanctions have not been successful in altering the decision pathways of the Kremlin, according to Dr. Matthew Crosston, associate professor of security and global studies.

The Importance of Swift Water Rescue Teams

November 07, 2018
Domestic Preparedness Journal
Swift water rescue teams are assets that may be needed now more than ever, according to Professor of Emergency and Disaster Management Allison Knox

Op-Ed: Trump’s New LGBTI Policy Contradicts U.S. Human Rights Diplomacy

October 31, 2018
Washington Diplomat
The Trump Administration's new LGBTI policy does not promote equality — rather, it does the opposite, according to Assistant Professor of International Relations Dr. Elise Carlson-Rainer

Depression Among Men: It's Time to Erase the Stigma

October 31, 2018
Psychology Today
There is no logic in thinking that people choose to be depressed, according to Dr. Michael Pittaro, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

The Overlooked Victims of the Opioid Crisis

October 25, 2018
Psychology Today
We cannot afford to ignore the opioid epidemic’s most tragic—and forgotten—victims any longer, according to Dr. Michael Pittaro, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

Middle school has new high-tech weather station for science and math

October 24, 2018
Morgan Messenger
APUS is committed to providing programs and resources that create pathways to career success and benefit communities, according to Dr. Conrad Lotze, Dean of Academic Services and the School of Education

An Imperfect Storm: Professionalism and Politics in Disaster Management

October 10, 2018
The Hill
Hurricane Florence left behind political accusations, fights and finger-pointing which do no one any good, according to Dr. Chris Reynolds, Dean and Vice President, Academic Outreach and Program Development.

How new US tariffs will affect big business and consumers

October 04, 2018
Increasing tariffs to boost the domestic economy might sound good, but there are international consequences, according to Associate Professor of Business Dr. Samantha Bietsch.

Closing the Skills Gap With Digital Badges

September 26, 2018
Inside Higher Ed
APUS is one of seven colleges and universities working with industry partners to develop digital badges to help underserved students display their skills and gain employment as part of a pilot project called #TeeUpTheSkills.

How Supply Chain Management is Affected by Human or Natural Causes

September 25, 2018
DC Velocity
If you are not into logistics, supply chain management, manufacturing or warehousing, you might not ever think about where products begin, according to Transportation and Logistics Management Instructor Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth.

The Great Broadband Divide

September 14, 2018
The Academic Minute
Michelle Watts, faculty director and assistant professor in the School of Security and Global Studies at American Public University, examines why some Native Americans still have limited Internet access and how to fix it.

Fresh Debate As Germany Mulls Joining Airstrikes in the Event of Another Chemical Attack in Syria

September 12, 2018
CNS News
Matthew Crosston, associate professor of security and global studies at American Public University, agreed that the threat of further CW attacks could again prompt Germany to become more involved.

Training and Education are Needed Most to Make Important Policy Decisions in Disasters

September 4, 2018
Federal News Radio
Natural disasters are a part of life, but the increase in fires and hurricanes are putting a larger emphasis on training and education for emergency managers, according to Dr. Chris Reynolds, certified emergency manager and dean and vice president of academic outreach and program development at American Military University.

Individual Consideration Leadership Style Obtains Positive Results in Supply Chain Management

September 4, 2018
DC Velocity
Traditional management methods do not achieve the same degree of cooperation and performance as in organizations with transformational leaders, according to Emmet (John) Fritch, Ph.D, Associate Professor, School of Business, American Public University.

Make Yourself Competitive in the Emergency and Disaster Management Industry

September 3, 2018
Careers in Government
One of the things that a future job-seeker should keep in mind is that their education is only one part of what they have to offer a future employer, according to Rachel Dahliwal, GCDF, Career Coach for American Public University

Online or on campus? Here are 7 things to consider if you’re asking that question

August 28, 2018
Military Times
John Aldrich, APUS Vice President for Military Outreach discusses how online education can be effective for veterans and career development.

The Future of the Intelligence Community is in Critical Thinking and Integrity, Former White House Advisor Says

August 17, 2018
Federal News Radio
One of the critical characteristics (for intelligence careers) is…finding young people that have a high degree of integrity,” said Executive Director of the International Spy Museum Chris Costa, an American Military University alumnus

Funding Our Veteran Heros

August 27, 2018
Military Advanced Education
Wes O'Donnell, AMU Content Manger, interviews StreetShares executives about their "Veteran Business Bonds" programs.

Looking Ahead at IT and Higher Ed

July 17, 2018
Vernon Smith, APUS Provost, discusses the future of information technology in higher education.

A Guide to Earning an Online Associate Degree

July 10, 2018
U.S. News
Caroline Simpson, APUS Vice President of Student Services, shares insights on the wide range of online options for students seeking associate degrees.

Should Veterans Have to Pay Taxes on Retirement Pay?

May 30, 2018
John Aldrich, APUS Vice President for Military Outreach, weighs in with insight and advice on overcoming challenges faced by veteran retirees.

Why Supporting OER Is a Smart Decision

May 4, 2018
Educause Review
In this video featuring a panel of educators, Dr. Vernon Smith, American Public University System Provost, discusses how open educational resources (OER) are not confined to a physical format which significantly reduces the costs of textbooks for students.

Role of Bureaucrats in Foreign Policy and LGBTI Rights

April 9, 2018
Inside Higher Ed
Elise Carlson-Rainer, assistant professor of international relations at American Public University System, discusses the challenges of incorporating LGBTI rights in diplomacy overseas given the change to republican leadership.

Human Resource Executives Offer Ways to Put the Best Face on a Bad Company Review

April 3, 2018
Human Resource Executive
APUS Senior VP Amy Panzarella discusses how HR professionals can use employee or candid criticisms to present their company in a more positive light.

Authorities Hunting Clues on Austin Bomber

March 20, 2018
AP News
AMU Professor Michael Bussell, a former Army ordnance disposal technician, assesses the suspect profiling process.

7 Ways to Study Real Estate Online

March 19, 2018
U.S. News
Kevin Forehand, program director for real estate studies at American Public University System, explains that students often choose an online undergraduate certificate worth 18 credits as a starting point, which is significantly shorter than an associate degree.

Research Online Degrees as an Active-Duty Military Student

March 9, 2018
U.S. News
AMU alumnus U.S. Army Master Sgt. Linwood Harrison advises servicemembers on what to look for in an online university.

How to Foster the Next Generation of Cyber Warriors

March 1, 2018
Security Magazine
Dr. Kenneth Williams, Director APUS Center for Cyber Defense, writes how attracting and retaining cybersecurity professionals is more critical now than ever.

Syrian Conflict Poses Complex Foreign Policy Changes

February 27, 2018
The continuing Syrian civil war has brought conflict between American- and Russian-supported factions, along with direct engagement by both superpowers. Dr. James Hess, APUS doctoral faculty member, assesses tactics and strategy in the warfare, along with related foreign policy implications.

How to Choose an Online Science Course

February 12, 2018
U.S. News
APUS STEM Dean Dr. Danny Welsch shares how faculty collaboration helps online science students conduct research and achieve successful learning outcomes.

What to Expect in an Online Sports Management Graduate Degree

February 8, 2018
U.S. News
Learn why students like Tori LaDieu of APUS choose an online university for a degree in the growing field of sports management.

Will the End of Net Neutrality be a Security Nightmare?

February 6, 2018
Director of the APUS Center for Cyber Defense Dr. Kenneth Williams explains what the end of net neutrality might mean.

Technology and the Remaking of Higher Education: A Longer View

February 1, 2018
APUS Provost Dr. Vernon Smith notes how technology is improving online education quality and accessibility while lowering costs.

An Evacuation Order Can Mean Life or Death, but Issuing One Isn't Simple

January 12, 2018
APUS Dean Chris Reynolds shares his expert opinion on how local governments should make disaster management an ongoing discussion as preparation for possible evacuations.

Careers in Healthcare Offer Ways for Veterans to Continue Serving Their Communities

January 3, 2018
Military Advanced Education & Transition
School of Health Sciences Dean Dr. Brian Freeland discusses how AMU’s programs are a good fit for veterans seeking civilian healthcare careers in industries that also have key elements of service.

Press Releases

Media Coverage

Contact Info

Frank Tutalo

Frank Tutalo
Director Public Relations

[email protected]


Kathleen Liebenberg

Kathleen Liebenberg
Public Relations Manager

[email protected]