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& Policy

PT. Digital Startup Nusantara intends to develop trusts from our Reader on (“”). Please read carefully on the Privacy Policy before submitting your data on our site. The Privacy Policy is meant to inform you on how we handle user’s private data on site. In this Privacy Policy, unless said otherwise, including to “” are site, (“”), (“”), and other sites involving PT Digital Startup Nusantara as organizer or microsite developer.

By visiting and registering yourself as a member of, you are to accept the terms and conditions regarding our privacy policy. The terms and conditions may change from time to time, please check this page occasionally.

The Privacy Policy applies to:


The information we collect from users is divided into two categories: 1) personal data voluntarily provided when subscribing, filing and completing surveys, registering and joining’s offline activities, participating on quiz or submitting email and 2) tracking information collected while you navigate on our sites.
Identified information from personal, such as:

Registration on our site

All internet users can access and view our site or microsite, but a registration process is required to access the full information and services offered by our various sites.
In order to register into, you must provide your e-mail address and demographic info. By using, you agree to our Membership Terms and Conditions.

Quiz, Competition, and Special Offer

From time to time, collects personal information from site visitors on matters relating to quiz, competition, or special offers from sponsors. If this information will be shared with third parties other than, we will notify you at the time of data collection. If you don't want your personal data or information to be with anyone other than, you can refuse to take part in sweepstakes, quizzes or other offers.

Market Research and Reader Survey can collect information from users in connection with various surveys conducted. We can collect data through websites and electronic forms. The information you provide in the answers to survey questions can be shared, together with advertisers and partners, unless special notice is given at the time of data collection.

Promotion and Special Event

We often receive information about various promotions and special events organized by our sponsors or partners. For this reason, we also offer our users and visitors who want to be invited to these events to provide information needed by the organizer and will be indicated at the time of collection.
We are not responsible for canceling Promotions or Special Events organized by Sponsors, Third Parties or our Associates.

Information collected through technology, such as:

Cookies and Other Technologies

Cookie is a part of data stored on a user's computer that is related to information about that user. Cookies are also used for session management on our site. Users or visitors must enable cookies to use our site.
Users or visitors can also use cookies to remember their passwords so that they can automatically log in on our site. We do not and will not use cookies to collect personal information from any user that is not intended to be shared with us.

IP Addresses stores your IP (Internet Protocol) address, or location of your computer on the Internet, for system administration and troubleshooting purposes. We use the IP address as a whole (aggregate) to find out the locations that access our site.

Log Files

Log Files only used in aggregate form (overall) to analyze our web usage.

Statistical Analysis can conduct statistical, demographic and marketing analyzes of users and customers as well as habits and usage patterns for product development, distributing content, and attracting advertisers to user habits. We also use this information to provide content that is suitable for user needs. can also share user information with entities under PT. Digital Startup Nusantara for analysis purposes, including analysis to improve customer relationships.

Products and Services on

Regularly, we will provide various information and offers for products and other services to our readers. This information will only be shared internally. You can choose not to accept these offers.

Email Newsletter

When you subscribe, will regularly send email newsletters or promotions about the service and its advertisers. You are allowed to stop the email newsletter service by using the "Unsubscribe" feature.


We are not to share, sell, lease, exchange, or authorize third parties without your consent. If you feel that you have received an email from us due to an error, please contact us via email: [email protected]
Email related to Accounts and Services: DailySocial has the right to send emails to you regarding your subscription status. This includes the delivery of the latest and most popular news, information or notifications of user activity, promos and news related to user interests and notifications about overall changes to our website and / or our Privacy Policy.
Email Newsletter: DailySocial offers email newsletter facilities. When you no longer want to receive certain newsletters, please follow the "unsubscribe" instructions in the bottom corner of each newsletter.

Promotional Email: When you subscribe, DailySocial will routinely send emails informing product and service offers that may be of interest to you. You can choose not to receive these messages in the future by (1) following the "unsubscribe" instructions located at the bottom of each email, or (2) you choose not to receive this type of email. routinely gets email addresses sourced from third parties to be used as promotional emails. You can choose not to receive these messages in the future by (1) following the "unsubscribe" instructions located at the bottom of each email, or (2) you choose not to receive these types of emails.

Email Survey: We can send emails inviting you to participate in user surveys, asking about your responses about and products and services that already exist or are being developed, as well as other information to better know our users. User surveys greatly assist us in developing our website, and we will not share information from these surveys with third parties, except in aggregate (overall) form. Email from you: If you send us an email, you must understand that the information contained in the email is insecure or unencrypted, so it might be visible to others. We advise you to be very careful when sending to include personal or confidential information in an email. We will use your email address to provide immediate answers to your comments or questions.

Associated sites of DailySocial

When you registered with one of our site services, will not sell, rent, exchange, or authorize third parties to use your email address or other information that can personally identify you without permission. But we may share information with third parties about our users, in the form of statistics and analytics.


Data Security: To prevent data access by unauthorized parties, maintain data accuracy and ensure the proper use of information, we use physical, electronic and managerial procedures to protect the information we collect online.

OTHER INFORMATION: Adherence to Legal Proceedings

We may submit personal information if ordered by law or believe that the steps are necessary to (1) comply with the law or court proceedings; (2) protect and preserve our copyrights and property rights; (3) protects against unauthorized use or misuse of our website; or (4) protect the personal or property security of our users or the public (among other things, this means that if you provide false information or pretend to be someone else, we can share information about you as part of your investigation into your actions ).

OTHER INFORMATION: Privacy Policy Change

This Privacy Policy is subject to change or improve at any time. Any changes will be notified on this page. If we make very significant changes or material changes to the way we use your personal data, the changes will be notified at least thirty (30) days before it’s valid and the registered users will be notified via email.