
We're crime and justice specialists – equal parts research, strategy and communication.


The Government has set out its legislative programme for the next 12 months in the Queen’s Speech. There are 38 bills or draft bills, eight of which directly affect policing and criminal justice. In the past few weeks, a series of other law and order measures have received Parliamentary approval, some of which have already come into effect. Crest Senior Associate Danny Shaw runs the rule over the main changes.

Police forces and tech companies, devolved authorities and public inquiries all play a part in building a safer, more secure society. As the UK’s only consultancy with a crime and justice focus, we’re as much of a blend as the sector itself. We research the big issues or dig into an organisation’s data. We consult with them to assess their demand or understand the policies, then define a strategy. We communicate (and help them communicate) the message to the wider world.

Current research projects

Latest reports and insights

Case studies

Modelling demand across police, council and health services


How our analysis helped a force to cope with rising demand and shrinking budgets, by measuring the impact of mental health, missing children and anti social behaviour and by making recommendations on moving towards a more preventative, joined up approach with local partners.

Developing a strategic needs assessment for youth justice


To help West Midlands Combined Authority cope with changing demand and shrinking resources, we analysed and flow and needs of offenders aged 10-17, and devised a new strategic approach to improve collaboration between the justice, education and mental health services across seven local authorities.

Developing a communications strategy and new messaging


We co-created with the Parole Board a new communications framework and evidence-based messaging, to improve public understanding of how it made decisions and to increase trust and confidence among key stakeholders following a period of intense scrutiny from media and partners.

Crest Advisory’s consultancy work is paid for by public sector organisations, including police forces, devolved authorities and other justice agencies, and their private sector partners. We provide strategy, communications and governance support to public inquiries, inquests and other independent or arms-length bodies which are funded by government. Our independent think-tank work is supported by charitable foundations and trusts who fund specific pieces of research and are identified in the reports we publish.

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