

Congresswoman Lofgren is pleased to offer internships for college students or recent graduates to further a student's educational or professional goals. The internship program is designed to enrich a student’s academic experience and offer a unique perspective on the inner workings of Congress and a congressional office. The internship is an educational opportunity and should not be considered a job in the traditional sense. You will see up close how the legislative branch of our government operates to address the concerns of its constituents by supporting our offices' constituent services, legislative research functions and administrative work.

→ Due to the educational nature of our internship program, both our offices can support students if seeking credit for your internship through your school or university.

Washington, DC

Internships run throughout the winter/spring, summer or fall semesters. The hours are flexible to accommodate students' course schedules, but generally run 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when Congress is in session, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when not in session.

In Washington, DC interns are encouraged to explore the full scope of the U.S. Congress by attending various hearings and panel discussions that can expand educational horizons. They may also be asked to answer phones and greet visitors, research legislation for the legislative staff, assist with media clips, or answer constituent letters on various issues before the House.

San Jose, CA

In the San Jose office, interns may be asked to perform a variety of projects, including assisting with various constituent casework, writing letters to federal agencies, or day-to-day office work such as answering phones and greeting visitors.

*Please note: District internships are currently on hold and applications are only going to the DC office at this time.*

Eligibility / Application Process

Students interested in public service, learning about the federal legislative process and generally knowledgeable of current events are encouraged to apply for an internship. Candidates should be well-organized, responsible, reliable, and possess excellent oral and written communication skills. Candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to those who are from, or currently attend school, in the 19th District of California and then to other California residents.

Applications are welcomed on a rolling basis. Prospective candidates should complete the web-based application below to be considered for an internship. Our office will work with you on potential start date depending on your availability and our office’s current intern capacity during each seasonal semester. Please keep in mind that summer is a popular season for internships and office space constraints limit the number of interns who may work in our offices at one time.

Need-based stipends available

The office considers internship candidates on a “need-blind admission” basis. While internships are typically unpaid, stipends are available for those accepted into our internship program in the Washington, DC office only under P.L. 115-244 (Section 120), which established the House Paid Internship Program. The stipend is intended to help cover expenses associated with being in the nation’s capital for an internship, plus transit benefits to commute to the office each work day. The stipend is capped by program regulations at $1,800 per each thirty calendar days in an office (up to 120 calendar days).

Students who would be unable to accept the internship without access to the stipend should so notify the office. Such notification will be kept as part of the private personnel process.

Regarding the stipend, please note the following:

  • Under federal law, all persons receiving federally appropriated monies (such as the internship stipend) must be U.S. citizens, non-citizen U.S. nationals, lawful permanent residents in the process of naturalizing, and certain refugees and individuals granted asylum.
  • Individuals who are seeking consideration under the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival” (DACA) policy are not currently eligible to receive this stipend.
    • Zoe is a cosponsor of H.R.2029, the American Dream Employment Act , which would change this policy and allow DACA recipients the opportunity to be employed with federal monies, including the House of Representatives.
  • Interns who receive the stipend are subject to the same federal laws and regulations, House Rules, House regulations, and Ethics regulations as other paid employees of the House of Representatives.
  • The stipend is disbursed monthly on the 30th of each month, which is the same date Congressional staff and Members are paid.
  • Some outside organizations that help place Capitol Hill interns do not permit their interns to receive additional funds beyond their program. If you are working with an outside program, please be sure to consult that organizations’ rules and regulations should you consider applying for the stipend available through our Congressional office.

If you would like more information about any aspect of Congresswoman Lofgren’s internship program, please feel free to contact our office.


  marks required fields of data.

Applicant's Contact Information

What are these options?
Constituents who are hard of hearing or use a video phone have the option to choose TDD or VP based on the type of device they are using. This allows our office to respond to them accordingly. The default option "Voice" is a standard audible telephone.

Applicant's Additional Information

*Please note: District internships are currently on hold and applications are only going to the DC office at this time.*

Permanent Address (if different)
Emergency Contact Information:

Additional Relevant Information

Skills applicable to internship
Academic Information
If you are currently enrolled in College/University, please answer the following:
Applicant's Cover Letter and Resume:

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