Energy and Environment

Energy Independence

Zoe knows that when it comes to energy policy, it is time to move away from the failed policies of the past to a new direction where protecting the environment and powering our society spur new U.S. industries that grow our economy. With an ever growing demand for energy in our modern industrialized era, Zoe believes America needs to lead the world in the development of new, clean and sustainable power sources.

As a member of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Zoe is working to put our country on a path to energy independence. She is a strong advocate for long-term policies that invest in energy efficiency, clean renewable energy, and research into the next generation of innovative power source technologies.

Click here to learn more about Zoe's thoughts and latest work on Energy Independence.

Protecting our Environment

From an early age when Zoe spent time with her family outdoors in California's many parks and natural places, she developed the belief that we all have a responsibility to be good stewards of the environment. Throughout her public service, Zoe has worked to protect the environment and strived to ensure we have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe.

Zoe has also long believed that protecting the environment and growing the economy are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, Zoe believes American "know how" and innovation will lead the way in addressing the challenges we face from climate change. With this in mind, the efforts of Silicon Valley innovators and engineers will continue to play a key role in pioneering the new technologies that will help protect our environment.

To that end, Zoe is committed to working with her colleagues in Congress to find solutions ensuring a clean and healthy environment capable of nurturing and supporting our families and future generations.

Click here to learn more about Zoe's thoughts and latest work on Protecting our Environment.

More on Energy and Environment

April 12, 2022 Press Release
"This announcement is another important step to getting federal funding to match the scale of the wildfire crisis."
April 8, 2022 Press Release
"Especially at a time when international conflicts are exacerbating global food shortages, it is smart and sensible to get rid of the ethanol mandate now and, instead, shift the focus to solutions that do not contribute to climate change and/or drive up the cost of food.”
April 6, 2022 Press Release
"These funds will help ensure that public transit in the South Bay is efficient, affordable, and provides fair access for all."
March 10, 2022 Press Release
"The Santa Clara County projects included in the government funding legislation will make a difference in the lives of working men and women."
February 8, 2022 Press Release
"We urge you to ensure that California receives its fair share of funding, given that the new strategy identified the majority of high-risk firesheds as being located in the State."
November 17, 2021 Press Release
"I believe the amendments offered by my colleagues and adopted by the Committee have further strengthened the legislation."
November 4, 2021 Press Release
"Congress must ensure all federal agencies and statutes are set up in ways that best support our communities as they prepare for and respond to deadly fires."
October 29, 2021 Press Release
"Congress must advance a whole-of-government approach to execute a coordinated and united federal agenda on wildfires that uses science-based and cost-effective measures to change the way we think about, plan for, and respond to wildfires."
September 23, 2021 Press Release
"DOD and the intelligence community have unique capabilities and assets we know can help better detect ignitions, track fire lines, and provide ongoing assessments of fires for the wildfire management and suppression community."
June 30, 2021 Press Release
"We’re going to need more firefighters serving our communities, so Congress needs to ensure the federal service earns a fair wage and that we remove obstacles that make it harder for our country to respond to wildfires."
