Home : Resources : Contact
NGB Contact List

Public Questions:
If you are a member of the public with a general question (DD214s, personnel actions, marketing, contracting, employment verification, etc.), please contact the National Guard Public Affairs Office within the state/territory you are physically located. State/Territory National Guard contact information can be found at https://www.nationalguard.mil/Resources/State-Websites/.

Press/Media Queries:
The National Guard Bureau responds to media requests and queries through our media operations branch.
[email protected]

Media with queries during our normal business hours may call (703) 601-6767. (PLEASE NOTE: This is not a public information line.)

The Media/Press Desk hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 AM - 5 PM Eastern Time.

For DD214 requests, or for any other veteran document, please contact the National Archives.

For website issues, please email [email protected].


NGB Contact List
Office Website E-mail Phone
Youth Programs Website E-mail (703) 607-2754
Office of the Chaplain Website E-mail (703) 601-8236
Contracting Division Website   (703) 604-8674
Office of Equal Opportunity Website E-mail 1 (800) 371-0617
Senior Leader Management Office Website   (703) 607-3643
Inspector General Website   (703) 607-2539
Internal Review   E-mail  
Family Programs Website E-mail (703) 607-5441
Legislative Liaison Website E-mail (703) 607-2786
Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting Website    
Property and Fiscal Operations Website    
Small Business Office Website   (703) 607-1001
Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate Website E-mail  
National Guard Bureau
111 S. George Mason Dr.
Arlington, VA 22204

Army National Guard Readiness Center
111 S. George Mason Drive
Arlington, VA 22204

Air National Guard Readiness Center
3500 Fetchet Avenue
Andrews AFB, MD 20762-5157


Recruiting Information
Army National Guard
1-800 GO-GUARD (464-8273)

Air National Guard
1-800 TO-GO-ANG (864-6264)