Contact Info


  • Jonathan May, ISI, University of Southern California
  • Ekaterina Shutova, University of Cambridge
  • Aurelie Herbelot, University of Trento
  • Xiaodan Zhu, Queen's University
  • Marianna Apidianaki, LIMSI, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay & University of Pennsylvania
  • Saif M. Mohammad, National Research Council Canada


[email protected] Note that this is the mailing list for SemEval organizers. For questions on a particular task, post them at the *task* mailing list or contact the task organizers directly. You can find the task mailing list from the task webpage.

Other Info


  • 2018/9/4: Microsoft is co-sponsoring SemEval! More
  • 2018/12/6: SemEval-2019 will be held June 6-7, 2019 in Minneapolis, USA, collocated with NAACL-HLT 2019.