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Disbursement Policy

All FSA funds disburse in at least two installments that pay directly to the school and are applied to your student account.

Generally, your FSA will be packaged for a full academic year. If you fall into one of the following categories, your disbursements will occur in two equal installments over the course of your academic year, one per semester (term).

  • Alumni returning to the university for another program
  • Students returning to take courses who have previously earned credit at the university
  • Graduate and doctoral students
  • Pell only recipients

Funds will disburse approximately 3 weeks after the start of courses, unless you are a first-year, first-time loan borrower in which case funds will disburse no sooner than 30 days after the start of your first course.

In certain scenarios, a loan may be packaged for a single-semester versus an entire academic year, such as when completing a program in one semester or transferring from another school. In accordance with disbursement standards, any loan(s) set for a single-semester will disburse in two equal installments as follows:

  • Disbursement #1: 50% of the eligible loan funding will disburse approximately 3 weeks after the start of the first course. If you are a first-year, first-time loan borrower, disbursement will be approximately 5 weeks after the start of your first course.
  • Disbursement #2: The remaining 50% of the eligible loan funding will disburse approximately 11 weeks after the start of your first course.

If you are an undergraduate who falls into one of the following categories, your disbursements will occur in four equal installments over the course of your academic year, two per semester as outlined below.

Students with no Previously Earned Credits at the University

  • You fall into this category if you have not earned credits at the university at the time of your academic year creation.
  • Disbursement #1: 50% of the eligible loan funding will disburse approximately 3 weeks after the start of your first course.
  • Disbursement #2: The remaining 50% of the eligible loan funding will disburse approximately 11 weeks after the start of your first course.

First-Year, First-Time Federal Direct Loan Borrowers with no Previously Earned Credits at the University

  • Disbursement #1: 50% of the eligible loan funding will disburse approximately 5 weeks after the start of your first course.
  • Disbursement #2: The remaining 50% of the eligible loan funding will disburse approximately 11 weeks after the start of your first course.

Questions related to the disbursement or eligibility requirements may be directed to [email protected] or 855-731-9218.

*Note: Students must maintain all eligibility requirements at the time of disbursement to receive FSA funding. It is the student’s responsibility to review all financial aid policies and the university’s student handbook.