The Ever Evolving Truth explicit


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By Jeff Bergh. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio is streamed directly from their servers. Hit the Subscribe button to track updates in Player FM, or paste the feed URL into other podcast apps.
The Ever Evolving Truth is an investigative podcast series. Season 1: Is the focus a sick single mother battling cancer and abuse OR is she a two-bit scam artist who will do anything for a dollar except hold a job? Decide for yourself this season on The Ever Evolving Truth. Season 2: TEET follows the story of Anna Maciejewska, a missing Malvern, PA woman many believe was murdered by her husband. We rattle many cages and explore many theories as we seek the truth. Season 3: Was a miscalculated 2020 presentation which we have removed from our canon due to ideological, moral, and standards of quality reasons. TEET SEASON 4-EVER started June 23rd 2020. We forged a new and permanent identity with this season of reimagination. Every week we offer two episodes. The Tuesday episode is always a deep dive into a massively polarizing subject that we know our audience will find intensely fascinating. The Friday episode is an often contentious, frequently controversial, and always entertaining splash into the latest news and happenings gripping the world in this moment. TEET (The Ever Evolving Truth) is brought to you by White Horse Media Group, LLC.

196 episodes