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Save Meduza! https://support.meduza.io/en Meduza’s English-language podcast, The Naked Pravda highlights how our top reporting intersects with the wider research and expertise that exists about Russia. The broader context of Meduza’s in-depth, original journalism isn’t always clear, which is where this show comes in. Here you’ll hear from the world’s community of Russia experts, activists, and reporters about issues that are at the heart of Meduza’s stories and crucial to major events in and ...
What makes you … you? And who tells what stories and why? This season, SAPIENS hosts Ora Marek-Martinez and Yoli Ngandali explore stories of Black and Indigenous scholars as they transform the field of archeology and the stories that make us … us. SAPIENS: A Podcast for Everything Human, is produced by House of Pod and supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. SAPIENS is part of the American Anthropological Association Podcast Library. For more information, visit sapiens.org
China Stories from the Sinica Network on SupChina brings you audio narration of the best articles and op-eds appearing in Sixth Tone, Caixin Global, Week in China, The World of Chinese, and of course SupChina. Subscribe to the podcast and you can listen to features on the go, with narrators who won’t butcher the pronunciation of Chinese names and words.
Good Assassins: Season 1

Good Assassins: Season 1

Diversion Podcasts and iHeartPodcasts

Part spy thriller, part detective case, part Holocaust history. This is the untold story of the epic Israeli spy mission to hunt down a savage, escaped Nazi murderer. Led by a brilliant Mossad agent who lost his entire family in the Holocaust, the hunt for the infamous Butcher of Latvia was a secretive espionage operation that forever altered the fates of all ex-Nazis. Bestselling author and journalist Stephan Talty brings the story to life using interviews with the Butcher’s victims, the re ...
In this podcast, Amy Leo asks the obvious, but tough questions... 😕Why didn't anyone tell us growing up that we should expect setbacks and failures? Why weren't we taught how to relate to our emotions and insecurities in a helpful way? ⭐How is it that some people who go through traumatic events bounce back quickly...without any PTSD symptoms? 🧠What if we can learn how to be genuinely happier? ⚱️Why don't we have conversations about grief and sadness BEFORE great losses in life happens? 💔What ...
Turn off your email alerts and settle into the weekend. We explore today's culture, big ideas, nuanced questions and what it means to live a good life. Join our host Lilah Raptopoulos every Saturday for inspiring conversations, in-depth storytelling, a bit of escapism and a lot of fun. Brought to you by the award-winning Life & Arts journalists at the Financial Times. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Take a glimpse into the world of applied positive psychology with The Flourishing Center. Host Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, takes you through each episode giving you insights, the science, and life hacks that you can apply so you can live an authentically happy and flourishing life. In the Science Says Episodes, Emiliya uncovers new research in positive psychology and how to apply the science to your life. In the Flourishing Fridays Episodes, she showcases a Life Hack which is a proven and practic ...
The Slavic Connexion

The Slavic Connexion

The University of Texas at Austin

A fresh international chat show from The University of Texas at Austin meant to share research, ideas, and culture from the Slavic world and beyond in digestible episodes. Each week we feature faculty, students (both undergraduate and graduate), and speakers of note from other institutions and countries. The Slavic Connexion is a production of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies within the College of Liberal Arts at UT Austin... "It's not typical Texas." The Center fo ...
We are the Ladies of Nerditude! Providing commentary on our experiences with pop culture and fandom, we discuss subjects from Harry Potter to Indiana Jones to the Whedonverse. We're a couple of women who love history, museums, books, music, TV, theater, and movies, but don't call us fangirls. We love how strong female characters like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Jessica Jones give power to women's rights and feminism. Oh, did we mention we also love Supernatural? Because we totally do.
Design a life that really matters. I’m your host, Greg McKeown, author of New York Times bestsellers "Effortless" and "Essentialism" and I’m on mission to help you advocate and negotiate your way to remarkable results without burning out. Come with me on this journey every Tuesday and Thursday as we examine the most essential areas of our lives. Learn more about my books and courses at https://GregMcKeown.com.
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