• IaaS Solutions

    • Accelerate innovation with on-premises IaaS capabilities

    • While enterprise use of public cloud services continues to rise, some business workloads cannot be moved to the cloud for security or performance reasons. As a result, organizations are investing in private cloud resources to manage these workloads, creating a multi-cloud environment. This investment in multiple clouds has added to the complexity of managing cloud computing services, increasing costs and slowing business innovation. 

      Dell Technologies Cloud addresses this problem with an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution in VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies. This fully managed Data Center-as-a-Service solution provides cloud infrastructure installed on premises in an organization’s core data center and edge locations, providing the benefits of cloud service for on-premises workloads. 

    • APEX Console

      The Dell Technologies APEX Console is a unified, self-service experience to increase agility, gain insight and maintain oversight throughout the APEX cloud and as-a-service journey.

    • The growth of IaaS solutions

    • The Dell Technologies Cloud IaaS model has been invaluable for enterprises. By provisioning and making fully managed servers, storage, networking and other compute resources accessible via the Internet, IaaS offerings allow businesses to avoid the cost and complexity of purchasing and managing their own infrastructure. Enterprises can scale infrastructure needs up and down as demand dictates, paying only for the resources they actually use. IT teams are no longer responsible for managing, monitoring and upgrading infrastructure – the IaaS provider handles those tasks, allowing IT teams to focus on other strategic priorities for business growth. And with greater flexibility and scalability, businesses can gear up faster to increase speed to market. 

      In the past, taking advantage of IaaS offerings meant moving workloads to the cloud. But certain types of workloads are best kept on premises to reduce latency, to ensure stronger security, to manage sovereignty issues more easily, or because of tight integration with backend systems. With some workloads residing on premises in private clouds and others moved to public cloud platforms, organizations inevitably end up with a multi-cloud environment that adds cost, complexity and risk to the task of managing cloud computing. 

      To enable enterprises to access the speed and flexibility of public cloud as well as the security and control of on premises infrastructure, Dell Technologies has introduced a Data Center-as-a-Service offering that delivers cloud-like ease-of-use to on-premises workloads while ensuring unparalleled consistency between on-premises and public cloud environments.

    • VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies: a Data Center-as-a-Service offering

    • VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies brings the simplicity and agility of the public cloud to data center and edge locations. Build with VCF on VxRail, this fully managed Data Center-as-a-Service solution provides robust on-premises IaaS capabilities to enable a true cloud model within the data center. 

      VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies installs infrastructure in a local data center that can be consumed just like a cloud service. IT teams can easily order compute, storage and networking hardware and software online – just as with public cloud provisioning – to be delivered and installed within core and edge data center locations, where it will be maintained and supported by Dell Technologies technicians. This IaaS offering removes the friction of day-to-day tasks for IT teams, developers, IT security and CIOs/CTOs, and enables the entire organization to focus on driving business value.

    • Advantages of IaaS capabilities in the data center

    • By providing IaaS capabilities within the data center, VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies enables organizations to bring public cloud benefits to workloads in both core data center and edge locations. The control plane of VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies makes it just as easy to configure and monitor edge workloads at scale as it is with data center workloads. VMware Cloud on Dell Technologies also enables organizations to:

      • Enhance agility and innovation with elastic infrastructure and self-service provisioning that helps increase velocity for developers.
      • Simplify operations by offloading management and maintenance of infrastructure to Dell Technologies.
      • Reduce risk by ensuring compliance with regulatory and data sovereignty requirements.
      • Manage costs with a predictable cost model and resource transparency.
      • Increase security by applying policies uniformly, rather than tracking workloads across multiple environments.
      • Reduce the complexity of managing operations on multiple cloud environments.

    • Additional cloud technology from Dell Technologies

    • In addition to IaaS and Data Center-as-a-Service offerings, Dell Technologies Cloud solutions include:

      • Dell Technologies Cloud. Dell Technologies provides a turnkey solution, VMware Cloud Foundation on VxRail, which offers the simplest path to hybrid cloud and automated infrastructure. This Dell Technologies offering provides consistent infrastructure and operations in one complete platform, with automated lifecycle management to streamline operations and reduce TCO.
      • Cloud-enabled infrastructure. From solutions to relieve overloaded primary storage and establish a low-cost DR site to tools that protect data with unique cloud-based services, Dell Technologies’ cloud-enabled infrastructure protects workloads in the right cloud with the right SLA.
      • Data Protection for Cloud. Dell Technologies Data Protection solutions for cloud, multi-cloud and hybrid cloud help transform data centers to enable greater efficiency, resiliency and scalability.

    • FAQs: What is IaaS?

    • What is IaaS?

      IaaS, or Infrastructure-as-a-Service, provides on-demand access to IT infrastructure such as storage, network and compute resources required to run workloads. IaaS offerings allow enterprises to access a portion of a consolidated pool of resources to create and use compute infrastructure when needed. IaaS is one of several types of cloud computing models – including Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) – that provide access to the Cloud-as-a-Service.

      What are the advantages of IaaS technology?

      IaaS services provide:

      • Improved efficiency, with resources virtualized and pooled to ensure maximum utilization of physical infrastructure
      • Increased agility, making it possible for resources to be provisioned on demand and released when no longer needed
      • Greater scalability, as IT teams can instantly allocate additional resources to meet peak demand
      • Reduced costs, with IaaS offerings available on a pay-as-you-go pricing structure
      • Enhanced productivity, with IaaS provisioning available through self-service portals

      What is Data Center-as-a-Service?

      Data Center-as-a-Service is a form of IaaS offerings, delivering access to a provider’s servers, networking, storage and compute resources. Data Center-as-a-Service may be offered remotely via wide area network (WAN) connections or it may be installed on premises within an organization’s private cloud.

      What is Platform-as-a-Service?

      Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is a cloud-based environment where developers can develop, test, run and manage applications. A PaaS offering provides a development environment without requiring businesses to buy, build or manage the underlying infrastructure.

      What are the differences between IaaS vs PaaS?

      IaaS provides access to general infrastructure resources, while PaaS offers access to resources for developing software.

    • APEX Data Storage Services

      APEX Data Storage Services is an on-premises, as-a-service portfolio of scalable and elastic storage resources designed for OpEx treatment.*


      *OpEx treatment is subject to customer internal accounting review and policies.  

    • VMware Cloud on Dell

      A VMware managed on-premesis infrastructure, delivered as-a-service designed to run your most critical business workloads.

    • APEX Cloud Services

      APEX Cloud Services offer compute and storage resources that enable secure and consistent infrastructure and operations for your workloads across private and public cloud