• Cloud Architecture

    • Managing your cloud architecture with consistency

    • As the cloud has evolved over the past decade, the ideal cloud architecture has grown as well. Today there are multiple clouds – a vast number of public cloud options as well as private clouds and edge clouds. This diversity of business cloud solutions allows enterprises to choose the ideal cloud for each job, improving performance and reducing costs by aligning the resources of a particular cloud platform with the application needs of a given workload.

      It turns out, however, that managing multiple clouds is not so easy, and IT teams are often burdened with a chaotic and complex experience when managing cloud architecture. Dell Technologies Cloud addresses this critical need with a suite of cloud solutions that simplify operations and provide a consistent management experience across all public, private and cloud edge computing resources.


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      APEX Cloud Services offer compute and storage resources that enable secure and consistent infrastructure and operations for your workloads across private and public cloud 

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    • Why is consistency important for cloud architecture?

    • Enterprises are drawn to the cloud for its ability to accelerate innovation. By providing readily available computing capacity, pay-as-you-go pricing and high availability of essential resources, the public cloud enables enterprises to move forward with incredible velocity. The private cloud offers benefits, too, excelling at handling workloads with requirements for low latency, enhanced security and strict data sovereignty compliance.

      For a time, enterprises adopted multiple clouds, assigning workloads to different cloud resources based on business and application needs. But because each cloud has its own set of tools and processes, simultaneously managing multiple clouds quickly became unwieldy. The cost and complexity of managing cloud architecture began to hinder the very innovation that sparked interest in cloud computing initially.

      The hybrid cloud represents the next step in cloud evolution, enabling IT teams to manage all cloud resources from a unified plane with a consistent management experience. And while there are many companies claiming to have the solution that can deliver on this promise, only Dell Technologies has the experience, expertise, hardware, software and services to provide a complete solution.

    • Simplify cloud operations with Dell Technologies Cloud

    • Dell Technologies Cloud, built on VMware Cloud Foundation, is a set of cloud solutions that provides a consistent operating model and simplified management across all cloud architecture. Offering single-vendor support and the combined expertise of VMware and Dell Technologies, this offering combines familiar VMware Cloud tools with reliable Dell Technologies hardware to help mitigate the complexity of hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

      Dell Technologies Cloud enables:

      • Consistent operations that eliminate silos and cut costs up to 52% with tools that provide control across all cloud architecture.
      • Consistent infrastructure that simplifies workload migrations and helps avoid application rework tax with end-to-end, cloud-enabled solutions including storage, servers, data protection, hyperconverged, open networking and cloud IT infrastructure.
      • Consistent services that help enterprises develop and execute coud strategy with flexible, consumption-based pricing.

    • A turnkey platform for managing cloud architecture

    • At the heart of Dell Technologies Cloud solutions is a turnkey platform, VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) on VxRail, that delivers the simplest path to hybrid cloud. Featuring a jointly engineered HCI system with deep VCF integration, this Dell Technologies Cloud Platform offers automated lifecycle management to streamline operations and reduce TCO by up to 47%.

      With VCF on VxRail, enterprises can:

      • Simplify management with a turnkey hybrid cloud experience that significantly reduces risk and increases operational efficiency.
      • Support innovation with the ability to run traditional workloads alongside cloud-native container-based applications, eliminating DevOps silos and sprawl.
      • Enjoy consistent operations and infrastructure across edge, private and public cloud workloads for a true hybrid cloud solution managed from a single experience.
      • Ensure unified cloud security and networking policies across the organization, enabling IT teams to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover with confidence.
      • Simplify support with a single-vendor support relationship.

    • Accelerate migration. Improve economics. Enhance security.

    • By bringing a consistent management experience to hybrid cloud architecture, organizations can:

      • Accelerate cloud migration with familiar tools and models.
      • Scale on demand to extend IT environments and deliver resources as needed, without additional complexity.
      • Increase speed to market with the latest VMware software and Kubernetes distribution, as well as elastic capacity to rapidly scale up or down.
      • Strengthen security profiles with a single security framework that covers public and private clouds.
      • Improve cloud economics with transparency across IT resources and the ability to align cloud resources with the requirements of specific workloads.
      • Enhance workload mobility with familiar tools and models that reduce errors and create efficiencies for administrators.
      • Reduce exposure to risk by giving administrators a single operational hub from which to manage cloud architecture, rather than requiring them to toggle between multiple platforms.

    • FAQs: What is cloud architecture?

    • What is cloud computing?
      Cloud computing is a model for consuming IT resources that enables organizations to access a convenient, on-demand network of shared computing resources – networks, storage, servers, applications and services – that can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal effort or interaction with a service provider.

      What is cloud architecture?
      Cloud architecture is the way that various components of cloud computing – including databases, applications, software capabilities, middleware and on-premise resources – are organized to provide cloud services. Common cloud architecture includes public cloud architecture (with resources provided by a third-party cloud service provider) and private cloud architecture (where a cloud environment is dedicated to a single organization and may be installed on premise). A multi-cloud architecture typically includes more than one public or private clouds that may or may not be networked together, while hybrid cloud architecture comprises multiple cloud environments with some degree of management and orchestration between them.

      What is the best cloud architecture?
      Choosing a cloud architecture often comes down to the benefits associated with on-premise vs cloud infrastructure. Public clouds offer elastic capacity, high availability and access to next-generation applications, while private clouds offer benefits related to security, data sovereignty and low latency.

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      Ensure cloud protection and data retention with the #1 Cloud Data Protection and data backup solution for your hybrid cloud.

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