Policy Committees

The Employment Law and Benefits Committee is comprised of retail in-house legal counsel, senior human resource executives, benefit specialists and prominent outside labor counsel. The committee meets twice each year to discuss labor, human resources, and employment law issues, including trends in…
This task force is comprised of designated representatives from our chain restaurant, grocery and other food retail member companies, typically senior quality assurance and food safety executives. The Task Force provides a forum for members to network and share food safety information of common…
This committee is comprised of chain restaurant senior purchasing executives and government affairs executives, and focuses on issues impacting the supply chains of chain restaurant companies. At present, the committee is focused on the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.
The General Counsels Forum is open exclusively to the most senior legal officers among NRF's retail membership. This forum provides members with the opportunity to share strategy and ideas for addressing cutting-edge legal and management issues of concern to retail law departments. The forum…
The Working Group addresses the rapidly spreading restrictions on the highly popular gift cards used by many retailers.
ITAC members include senior retail sourcing, compliance and government relations executives and general counsels responsible for international trade, customs and international labor issues for their companies both on the legislative and regulatory fronts.
The NRF Policy Council is the National Retail Federation's principal policy making body on federal legislative and regulatory issues.
This Working Group provides guidance to the NRF in representing retailers on matters before Capitol Hill, the Postal Rate Commission and the United States Postal Service.
This Committee communicates existing and potential product safety problems within the retail industry and addresses emerging product safety issues by providing substantive and strategic input into the development of industry public policy.
The Small Business Retail Council represents and is responsive to the needs, concerns and interests of local shops, and provides the National Retail Federation’s small business members a forum to discuss the most pressing public policy issues and priorities.
The State Government Relations Council is a forum for NRF members to discuss current and emerging public policy issues at the state and local government levels.
This council includes senior retail executives responsible for the global supply chain, transportation and logistics within their retail organizations.
This Committee is comprised of senior tax executives of NRF retail member companies. The Committee examines tax legislative and regulatory policies that affect retailers and recommends policy positions for the NRF to try to achieve through their lobbying efforts.