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Power BI Certified
Chiclet SlicerMicrosoft Corporation
Display image and/or text buttons that act as an in-canvas filter on other visuals
ratings(211 ratings)
1 out of 10
Power BI Certified
Text FilterMicrosoft Corporation
Search across your dataset right from the dashboard
ratings(153 ratings)
2 out of 10
Power BI Certified
Drill Down Donut PRO by ZoomChartsZoomCharts
Enjoy interactive drilldowns, user friendly navigation and beautiful design.
ratings(20 ratings)
3 out of 10
QuillBotKeuji Co
Save time and immediately improve your writing with QuillBot’s Paraphrasing and Summarizing Tool.
ratings(27 ratings)
4 out of 10

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Serenic NavigatorSerenic Software Inc.
Most trusted, comprehensive ERP for Nonprofit, NGO, K-12, & Government organizations for 20+ years.
1 out of 11
Microsoft preferred solution
UiPath Enterprise RPA PlatformUiPath
Fast track your hyperautomation deployment
2 out of 11
Microsoft preferred solution
HMX Corporation Tax Intelligence
HMX Corporation Tax Intelligence System, situational decision support improves tax law compliance.
ratings(1 ratings)
3 out of 11
Microsoft preferred solution
4 out of 11

Recommendations from customers

“One of the biggest benefits of the system is that dealers can access Experlogix CPQ anywhere.”
Greg CasteelSenior Business Systems & Process Analyst at Malibu Boats
The Most Advanced CPQ for Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

Experlogix CPQ for Dynamics 365 for Operations

The Most Advanced CPQ for Dynamics 365 for Finance & OperationsLearn more >
The Most Advanced CPQ for Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

Experlogix CPQ for Dynamics 365 for Operations

The Most Advanced CPQ for Dynamics 365 for Finance & OperationsLearn more >
View more recommendations >
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