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May 12, 2022 - Press Releases
For Anti-Ransomware Day 2022, Kaspersky took a snapshot of business executives’ attitudes towards ransomware.
May 05, 2022 - Press Releases
Kaspersky has obtained 53 patents for machine learning (ML) inventions and submitted 116 relevant applications since 2019. The majority of these patented inventions are related to areas such as malware detection, critical infrastructure protection, anti-phishing technologies and security information and management solutions (SIEM).
May 04, 2022 - Press Releases
In a recent investigation, Kaspersky experts uncovered a distinctive targeted malware campaign. The activity stands out because of its innovative use of Windows event logs for malware storing, the attackers’ impressive variety of techniques, such as commercial pentesting suites and anti-detection wrappers – including those compiled with Go. Several last stage Trojans are in use during the campaign.
April 29, 2022 - Business News
The Cyber Immunity concept developed by Kaspersky alongside its KasperskyOS operating system, is now a trademark. In March 2022, The United States Patent and Trademark Office registered the KASPERSKY CYBER IMMUNITY trademark. Having this trademark further reinforces Kaspersky’s unique approach within the IoT and connected devices market.
April 28, 2022 - Press Releases
Statistics from students of a corporate security awareness platform show that people most frequently make mistakes answering questions related to email and password usage. Tasks around these topics are in the top 5 most commonly failed by users.
April 27, 2022 - Press Releases
According to Kaspersky’s latest APT trends report for Q1 2022, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors had a busy quarter. Both recently uncovered and ongoing campaigns conducted by new and well-known operators made significant changes to the APT threat landscape. Mostly targeting businesses and governmental entities, APT actors updated already existing malicious toolsets and diversified their techniques to elevate their attacks. These and other trends are covered in Kaspersky’s latest quarterly threat intelligence summary.
April 26, 2022 - Product news
The new edition of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, dubbed Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Pro, contains advanced new capabilities, including automated response options and an extended set of security controls. The Pro version also includes built-in training for IT workers seeking to boost their cybersecurity skills and make the most out of specialized security products.
April 25, 2022 - Press Releases
Compared to Q1 2021, the number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in Q1 2022 rose 4.5 times with a considerable number of the attacks likely to be the result of hacktivist activity. The attacks also showed an unprecedented duration for DDoS sessions, particularly those aimed at state resources and banks. Further information has been included in a report issued by Kaspersky.
April 21, 2022 - Press Releases
Kaspersky has expanded the features in the new version of Kaspersky Safe Kids. Now parents have more options to safely facilitate children’s digital interests and relationships with gadgets.
April 20, 2022 - Business News
The new Kaspersky report, “Kaspersky ICS Security Survey 2022: The seven keys to improving OT security outcomes,” revealed that 30% of industrial businesses tend to switch off their cybersecurity product if it is affecting their production processes or automation systems. Overall, 38% of organizations face such problems occasionally and another 43% have dealt with these issues at least once. This can all be traced back to compatibility dilemmas.
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