Фрилансеры (30)
  • R50 ba4c9f8837db551b4220b73871e86c98
    +0 / -0
    Aidar Maksimov
    от 400 руб. за час

    Personal qualities: attentiveness, diligence, efficiency, responsibility.Hobbies: languages, reading books, learning web and app development, snowboarding.In 2014 I went to the USA to study English languages and now I have B1 level. Also, I went to the USA in summer 2017 by Work&Travel program to improve my language skills and get cultural exchange, get international work experience.

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    I can build that feature that your users have been asking for for months. I can take your best idea and turn it into an app on the Apple App Store, or It doesn't matter what it is, if it's iOS, I can do it. I have 4+ years of experience developing with Swift. One of the main qualities of development is speed (without sacrificing code quality and application stability).I prefer to layout UI in code (I can do it in storyboard if needed). The architecture doesn't really matter in my work, I...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Савва Мамонтов
    Разработчик смарт контрактов
    цена договорная

    Специалист по информационной безопасности Для связи: https://t.me/callmss Изучение основ работы со смарт контрактами: - пример кода https://github.com/mamontovss/voting/tree/master Understanding basics of smart contracts on ethereum (solidity, hardhat) - Развертывание СмартКонтракта в сети HardHat https://github.com/mamontovss/voting/tree/master - написание тестов на фреймворке Mocha; - Работа с Git и Visual Studio Code; - Работа с JavaScript (Junior level) написание тестов; Опыт...

  • R50 c35e825298f71264c73a4c1c719a870f
    +0 / -0
    Ivan Bosak
    Node.js devoloper
    цена договорная

    I am a Node.js developer with 2 years of commercial experience in back-end application development. HARD SKILLS: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js - Frameworks: Express.js, Nest.js - Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase Cloud Store - ORMs: Mongoose, Sequelize, TypeORM - Auth: JWT, Cookies, Auth0, Passport.js - AWS: S3, EC2, EB, RDS, lambda, Cognito - Parsing: puppeteer - API: Rest API, GraphQL - Other: Moment.js, Socket.io, Docker, Git SOFT SKILLS: Resilience, friendliness,...

  • R50 c3611c6c5bfe82eae1b0a5e8130412c5
    +0 / -0
    Вадим Никифоров
    .NET Software Engineer
    от 2 200 руб. за час

    Hello, my name is Vadim. I am experienced in Software Engineering (SE) field. Always focusing on what I can do, not on what I can’t. I am very passionate about technology, especially about Data Science. In my free time, I like walking, skiing, listening to music, watching movies, learning English, doing some side-projects & collaborating with other Developers also I like reading books. I'. used to all sorts of articles, social networks (VK, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and etc), forums,...

  • R50 0540808e17d41b3f2c737308ec62df11
    +0 / -0
    Максим Виксна
    Дата инженер | Python разработчик
    от 375 руб. за час

    Привет! Если Ваш проект связн с данными, тогда могу помочь, как: - собрать данные - обработать - произвести анализ и визуализировать Hard Skills: - Python (PySpark, Airflow, FastAPI, Flask, multi-threadings, multi-proccesing, Selenium, Requests, BeautifulSoup, unittest) - SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite), reading the query execution plan for optimisation - Big Data (Hadoop, Hive, Spark, HBase, Hue, Yarn, HDFS, Airflow, MapReduce) - Go lang - Testing (unit test) - Unix (shell, Bash) -...

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    цена договорная

    Data Analyst/Data Scientist Dates Employed: October 2020 - September 2021 Work experience in Data Science team: -Researches (Reinforcement Learning approaches) -Creating internal tools for analysis of humans and bots activity in games -Experience with AndroidStudio, Unity, Unity ML-agents -Modification of Acme, AndroidEnv for project needs -Training and testing models (DQN, IMPALA, D4PG) Work experience in Data Analysts team: -Researching and checking fraud-hypothesis, searching for new fraud...

  • R50 ddfbf6b7115f395bedcae42dc4b92035
    +0 / -0
    от 5 000 руб. за проект

    Hello, I'm working on these sphere for up to 1 years. I have finished a lot of project's you can see link more down. Also I working really fast if you want. I am available for 10 hours a day and 70 hours per week. Maybe stop reading and lets start? Uhh, if you want you can continue reading I have a lot of benefits ;-) I can draw really cool design for your webpage or mobile app. I know how to use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and also Figma. Also as you already know I creating...

  • R50 7c0a0ee28828e2d71bb7f5518255b16b
    +0 / -0
    от 1 500 руб. за час

    DevOps skills: Mysql Python3 (basic. On level base scripting for Deploys Flask/Django Application) Docker Administration Linux Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS Nginx, Apache VPN, Ikev2, IPSec Git Scrum English level: on level reading and writing technical documentation Nmap Basic Skill on Cyber Security Employee quality Laborer Punctual Emotionally stable Like to study Experience 3 years profit experience. Experience Cyber Security 2 years...

  • R50 81a1a5c8ac028c6f616dcb1221283fe3
    +0 / -0
    Meet Morakhiya
    Content Writing, Social Media
    цена договорная

    Not much to tell. I enjoy reading, writing and anything that has to do with the written word. I am very good at writing and I always target the straight A's in English. I aspire to make a difference in this world through writings and helping people to think differently and live differently in all walks of life. I studied PGDM in Journalism from IIMC in Delhi, India. I was an intern at AndroidHeadlines and I'm the author/contributor of many high authority magazine websites including...

  • R50 ae44d03ec30f158efaae594eddf8461b
    +7 / -0
    Ольга Попандопуло
    Веб-дизайнер, UI/UX
    от 550 руб. за час

    As a designer, my goal is to craft innovative and impactful design solutions to optimize people’s lives and their businesses so that we all have time to focus on what really matters. I believe that the world is constantly evolving thanks to designers centering their process around the user. I mostly tend to lean into projects that necessitate a high degree of problem-solving by using a holistic design process with a focus on multidisciplinary collaboration and rapid iteration. When I'm not...

  • R50 fdc7398ee6d0c0fa6a6c5dcb8b81867f
    +0 / -0
    Максим Пакин
    Разработка ПО
    от 2 100 руб. за час

    Senior .NET Developer, Architect, Team Lead. Sigma Ukraine (at past Eclipse-SP LLC). December 2007 – present time. 2011 master degree of computer science at National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute “KHAI”. Languages: Russian – fluent Ukrainian – fluent English – can attend interview, communicate on daily basis and work in English-spoken team. In general: have wide experience in .NET (C#) development: including desktop, web, mobile (iOS and Android platforms support via...

  • R50 892008fd53a4c04034e64103712b43ff
    +0 / -0
    Max Soiferman
    iOS Developer
    цена договорная

    iOS developer Разработка качественных мобильных приложений под iOS (только нативная разработка на актуальных версиях SDK) Пишу чистый и понятный кодБыстро учусь и постоянно развиваюсьВнимателен к деталямПоддержка проекта после сдачиЛегок в общенииОпыт коммерческой разработки. UIKit, Foundation, Cocoapods, Auto-layout, JSON, Git, Restful API, PLIST, AFNetworking, Native Frameworks and third party libraries Programming languages: Swift, Objective-C Courses, training, certificates: - Udemy -...

  • R50 1060c2f9ade087289747543e20227d97
    +1 / -0
    цена договорная

    Имею большой опыт работы более 11 лет в digital/freelance рекламных агентствах и продакшн студиях на позициях art director / senior designer / designer таких как: Deluxe Interactive, Accord Digital, Jami, catzwolf, NECTARIN и др. Помимо основных задач участвовал в разработке креативных концепций для new business проектов, как для веб сайтов так и для баннеров, и кей вижуалов Также занимался дизайном других digital каналов: Мобильные приложения / спец.проекты / smm / баннерка разных форматов для...

  • R50 ef0e88b204494d09059f35f268b7a706
    +0 / -0
    Владимир Севастьянов
    Разработка мобильных приложений под IOS на языке Swift
    цена договорная

    Разработкой мобильных приложений под IOS занимаю около года в коммерческих приложениях. Текущий стек: - Swift 5.1 и Objective-C(reading level) - Понимание ООП - Создание графических интерфейсов: code/xib - Опыт работы со Sketch, Zeplin, Sourcetree - Понимание принципов SOLID - Умение разбираться в чужом коде Архитектурные паттерны: MVP/Viper(reading level)/MVVM/MVC • Storage: CoreData • Client – Server: Alamofire, JSON • Foundation, UIKit • Умение работать с библиотеками через...

  • R50 f39933e0d079cf24366c2a727dbd93c7
    +0 / -0
    Marina Voronova
    html/css-coder, designer
    от 800 руб. за час

    Skills: HTML5, CSS3 (responsive)Bootstrap (3, 4), Grid CSS, gulp, sass(scss), js (use ready-made solutions)BEM (creating components for ReactJS)GitPhpStorm, SketchApp, Adobe Ps/Ai, Zeplin, Figma, MarvelEnglish - Pre-Intermediate (reading tech documentation / free written communication)CMS (Wordpress, Magento 1,2)Email newsletters - design/code (responsive)Please, contact me https://voronovam.github.io/

  • Avatar r50 a6ce93fe35b158fd29ba0e8681c918c22117160e9586a56eee4ffbc20df9bda1
    +0 / -0
    Евгений Мельник
    Knowledge of Swift, XCode
    цена договорная

    Professional skills: 1) Experience with Xcode 4x-8x, IOS SDK 6.0-12.0, Interfase Builder; 2) Good knowledge Swift , basic knowledge of C, C++, C#; 3) Knowledge of design patterns, the basics of working with memory, the basics of working with servers, parsers, integration with social networks. Networks; 4) Work with Cocoa, UIKit, CoreData, RestKit; 5) Ability to use libraries, as well as to understand them: 5) English language at the level of reading those. Documentation; Computer skills: 1)...

  • R50 8e07deeafd125e740a3cd0e3fbf6b8de
    +0 / -0
    Aleksandr Dudko
    Android developer
    от 500 руб. за час

    Android-developer 2GIS march 2019 – now Check - A simple way to find a product in the market and collect Cashback. ● Designed and implemented the extension of models and logic for representing information for new features; ● Designed and implemented collecting of usage statistics; ● Implemented custom GUI style; ● Reimplemented communication with social networks: Facebook, Vk, Instagram, Google; ● Bug analysis and fixing; ● Implemented product filter with sliding panel; ● Reimplemented the...

  • R50 d5d19938ff2de23f4d465dce420a2b5b
    +0 / -0
    Andrey Debelinsky
    frontend developer
    от 900 руб. за час

    Web designer and front-end developer from Kiev, Ukraine. I am fluent in HTML, CSS. Using libraries such as jQuery, a framework such as AngularJS 1.*. Pre-Intermediate English. (writing and reading). - Interpreting graphic visual or interaction designs in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. - Creating, editing or modifying templates for a CMS or web development framework. - Programming interaction with JavaScript and a library such as jQuery. - Experience with AngularJS 1.* Also: - Designing...

  • R50 d0c7965b6a17a485a80f41a729dfe97f
    +0 / -0
    Андрей Гришин
    Windows Development
    от 90 000 руб. за месяц

    Обо мне C#/.NET Разработчик. Пока стараюсь развиваться в направлении стека Microsoft. Интересны различные области разработки (Server side, desktop, mobile, web apps). Опыт коммерческой разработки преимущественно состоит из разработки клиентский приложений под ОС Windows. Увлечения: IT, программирование, Hardware, дизайн, автотюнинг, автоспорт, ЛКМ и композитные материалы. Опыт работы над проектами: Lunacy июль 2018 - настоящее время Lunacy - sketch for windows https://icons8.com/lunacy ...

  • R50 a51a67bf88cb2d45d691c945d3ef9461
    +0 / -0
    Strizhak Aleksey
    от 1 700 руб. за час

    I currently specialize in building websites for small and medium business owners. General: RubyOnRails, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RSpec; Other stuff: Linux, GraphiQL, Git, NodeJS; If I'll try to list everything here it will be a very long list. So these are enough to illustrate the sphere of my expertise. If you are looking for a serious and capable programmer, then you look no further. That's all. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or proposals - feel free to...

  • R50 938487ac806031f8ee102bcd223fe6b1
    +0 / -0
    Yuriy Tlukhovsky
    психология социология музыка
    цена договорная

    Здравствуй читающий этот профиль. Я уверен, что наше сотрудничесыво будет продуктивным и интересным. Так о чем надо написать? Моя профессия психолог, но в связи с переездом за рубеж, работаю удаленно. Что тоже по своему удобно. Hello to you who is reading this profile. I am sure that our collaboration will be productive and interesting. So what we should write about? My profession is psychologist, but due to moving abroad I am working remotely. Which is also convenient.

  • R50 33fc8e517c26d217df892ff83fab5d6b
    +0 / -0
    от 975 руб. за час

    GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Development of game applications for mobile platforms and desktops 8 year coding experience: Objective C, C/C++, C#, LabVIEW, JavaScript (client-server technology, structured programming, take a part in porting applications for Windows to MacOS and iOS,etc.) Extended experience in different projects for customers in the EU and USA In-depth knowledge of object-oriented development HARDWARE: iOS devices, Mac, PC. DAQ card, RedRat, Wireless: XBee RF...

  • R50 f00f3684303876566ca3710dff94bf1f
    +0 / -0
    Иван Маслов
    Разработка CRM/ERP систем
    цена договорная

    Dear colleague, Are you looking for somebody who maximum fits the Front-End position in your project? I hope you said yes. Because, A) it shows me you’re sane, and B) after 8+ years experience in a web development, my brain has learned to be flexible. It means that I got a skill to adapt to most of the projects and teams. One of my secrets of successful web development is quick understanding the core of the project, active communication with a team, understanding and solving tasks. In a web...