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  1. 2 трав.

    قطع تورنادو طريقا كارثيا بالقرب من ويتشيتا و تضررت عشرات المباني في اندوفر - كنساس 🌪

  2. 8 трав.

    Day exactly 6 y ago Saturday May 7, 2016 Crazy experience, EF3 dreams now and again🌪

  3. 13 трав.

    Castlewood, a city with a very small footprint amongst the expansive farmland of South Dakota, took an unfortunate direct hit by a tornado during last night's . Luckily everyone was okay.

  4. 8 трав.

    New INSANE Damaging Tornado video from Andover, Kansas on April 29, 2022!🌪️ Permission: Marc Millsap

  5. 13 трав.

    Tornado south of Sioux City Iowa crossing I29. Not my video. This is the second known touchdown for this storm. Both tornadoes went unwarned by the NWS

  6. 9 трав.

    One of the most mind-bending encounters occurred on this day in 2016 when an EF4 tornado crossed the road in front of us in , OK.

  7. 13 годин тому

    Tornado Warned Storm N of Jacksonville. May have touched down at 155 pm just west of Rivercity Marketplace. Very Brief.

  8. 8 трав.

    images of the that ravaged kansas

  9. 13 трав.

    I haven't gotten around to posting my pictures from the April 29th, 2022, Andover Kansas Tornado. This was my first ever tornado and quiet the experience.

    Показати цей потік
  10. 5 трав.

    Tornado vs. Windmills 2 miles south of Crowell, Texas

  11. 18 годин тому

    D1: of in S , SE , NE and N due to a 30% and SIG risk of damaging gusts and . risk however remains at 2%.

  12. 14 трав.

    Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

  13. 7 годин тому

    SEVERE STORM WATCH to 9 PM CDT for TX OK & AR Hail 1.5" Wind gusts to 75 mph Get Radar day

  14. 7 трав.

    Ok now that everyone has posted their Crowell, TX Tornado pictures I'll share mine lol.

  15. 14 трав.

    Ich kann diesen Polit-Zirkus einfach nicht mehr ernst nehmen.

    Показати цей потік
  16. 9 трав.

    كاميرات المراقبة توثق لحظات مرور اعصار قمعي من مدرسة برايري كريك الابتدائية في 29 أبريل و تظهر مدى قوة الاعصار حيث مزقت اجزاء كبيرة من المدرسة وجمعية الشبان المسيحيين و لحسن الحظ الطلاب لم يكونوا في المدرسة ⚠️🌪 🇺🇸

  17. 10 трав.

    Novas imagens de no Câmeras de segurança registraram a passagem de um forte tornado no último dia 29 de abril. Novas imagens mostram a força do vento arrastando árvores e estragos durante sua passagem.

    Цей медіафайл може містити матеріали делікатного характеру. Дізнатися більше

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