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The Lucky Country is an insider’s outside view of Australia’s most important political and economic debates. Hosted by The Australia Institute’s Chief Economist Richard Denniss, The Lucky Country is a weekly podcast from Schwartz Media which applies common sense to complex issues.
"Ask the beauty advisor" is a fun and informative podcast that answers your health and beauty questions.This is a podcast for people who are seriously interested in maintaining their health and youthfulness. With host Deanna lyn who not only answers listener's questions, but also shares the latest health and beauty news, as well as product reviews. The show also includes interviews with the top health and beauty professionals. You can listen-in weekly by subscribing on iTunes, for more info ...
Save Meduza! https://support.meduza.io/en Meduza’s English-language podcast, The Naked Pravda highlights how our top reporting intersects with the wider research and expertise that exists about Russia. The broader context of Meduza’s in-depth, original journalism isn’t always clear, which is where this show comes in. Here you’ll hear from the world’s community of Russia experts, activists, and reporters about issues that are at the heart of Meduza’s stories and crucial to major events in and ...
China Stories from the Sinica Network on SupChina brings you audio narration of the best articles and op-eds appearing in Sixth Tone, Caixin Global, Week in China, The World of Chinese, and of course SupChina. Subscribe to the podcast and you can listen to features on the go, with narrators who won’t butcher the pronunciation of Chinese names and words.
(Apple's Best of 2018) In-depth conversations with people at the top of their game. Jordan Harbinger unpacks guests' wisdom into practical nuggets you can use to impact your work, life, and relationships. Learn from leaders (Ray Dalio, Simon Sinek, Mark Cuban), entertainers (Moby, Tip "T.I." Harris, Dennis Quaid), scientists (Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye), athletes (Kobe Bryant, Dennis Rodman, Tony Hawk) and an eclectic array of fascinating minds, from art forgers and arms traffickers to sp ...
The Slavic Connexion

The Slavic Connexion

The University of Texas at Austin

A fresh international chat show from The University of Texas at Austin meant to share research, ideas, and culture from the Slavic world and beyond in digestible episodes. Each week we feature faculty, students (both undergraduate and graduate), and speakers of note from other institutions and countries. The Slavic Connexion is a production of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies within the College of Liberal Arts at UT Austin... "It's not typical Texas." The Center fo ...
Australia’s fastest growing daily news podcast, The Briefing serves up the latest news headlines and a deep dive into a topic affecting you. All in under 20 minutes. Hosted by Tom Tilley and co-hosts Jan Fran, Katrina Blowers, Antoinette Lattouf and Jamila Rizvi. Published Monday to Saturday at 6am, this is the go-to podcast for Australian’s looking for a thorough briefing on the news of the day. For more episodes download the free LiSTNR app.
Making sense of the world, one story at a time. Host Malika Bilal and journalists from Al Jazeera's international bureaus and beyond share their take on the most important stories every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Welcome to the Success Story Podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, business executive, author, educator & speaker, Scott D. Clary (@scottdclary). On this podcast, you'll find interviews, Q&A, keynote presentations & conversations on sales, marketing, business, startups and entrepreneurship. Scott will discuss some of the lessons he's learned over his own career, as well as have candid interviews with execs, celebrities, notable figures and politicians. All who have achieved success through both w ...
Charlie Johnson is the WORLDS leading transformations specialist and is at the forefront of everything muscle building, fat loss and optimising human performance. The Shredded Show is all about providing you with the information and knowledge of how to live your best life, not just physically more importantly mentally. With weekly interviews with some of the world's leading experts in fitness and top athletes a vast array of subjects will be covered including health, hormones, sleep, nutriti ...
In this podcast, translator and news aggregator Kevin Rothrock talks to movers and shakers in Russia-focused journalism and academia. Interviews deal with views on trending news stories, the overarching themes of “Russia watching,” and the ins and outs of life as a professional in this field. Help him pay for recording software by supporting the show with recurring donations.
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