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Комментарии 4

Перевод русскоязычной статьи на англ. для русскоязычного ресурсс — ну ок, хотя странно. Но не гугл.транслейтом-же? Всё время было странное ощущение, но после Вашей фразы «I said weather» которая в оригинале звучала как «Я сказал — погодь», мы окончательно насторожились:)
Hello and thank you for your comment. I do not read or speak Russian, and depended on the output of machine translations to prepare this post.

I had received a link to the original post in Russian, and read it via Bing Translator, like the content. I mentioned that to my Russian friend who referred the link, and he suggested that an English translation could be beneficial. Not to native speakers, but to show the article to others.

Not knowing the language, I depended on the machines. The finished article above is a manual revision to the best of my ability, combining text from DeepL and Bing Translator. DeepL seemed to create the most acceptable English text, but not always. I revised the English text for style and fluidity.

Occasionally some word would be unclear — like the 'weather' you pointed out. I hope this post can be useful, and it was done with the author's knowledge and permission. Yes, Russian to English translation apparently is not as developed as some other languages, or just a more difficult job.

Sorry for any errors, they are my own and not the original author's.

I could post this article elsewhere but felt it was a courtesy to the author to have it on the same site as his original. I hope this is acceptable, even if less than a competent human translation — which I can do in a couple of other languages, but not in Russian.
Oh, okey, now we feel ourselves a bit ashamed, but still… Let us give some notes about situation which we have here (though make discount for our English).
It's noticeable, that you have done job and revised English text for style and fluidity, that's why it takes some time to notice automation, so no questions — credits to you. And since text is understandable, it's even interesting to feel some de ja vu whilst reading:)

But if you make translation — it have a sense also to reread text to check common sense at least. «I said weather» just doesn't add up to context at all, so basically, this thing catch our eye, not mistake in translation itself, but lack of sense in context.

Russian to English a bit difficult, but even not near hard as English to Turkish, for example. So here is little trick. Make double translation, first — Russian to English and then back — English to Russian… most sentences will look similar, but some will not look alike at all — so the latter you need to double check.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. And the friend who suggested me the article in the first place did read it and mentioned the same 'weather' word — and the meaning in Russian.

Which allowed a revision to that sentence and it should now make sense. It's a first time for me to do a 'blind' translation, like this one. I recall doing some similar work years ago, in a site that was mostly in German, but the translation worked better to English, and I could work in the finished text with less difficulty.

This person I mentioned uses DeepL constantly for communicating with me and others in an English subReddit we both participate in, and he has mentioned the 'double translating' of text to try and spot problems. I will keep that in mind for any similar tasks!

If you have any suggestions for text revisions please let me know. Thank you!
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