For Students


The HOPE Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Credits
$1,500 HOPE Scholarship to make the first two years of college universally available. 

Comprehensive Financial Aid Info 
A comprehensive guide to financial aid. The entire site contains loans and scholarships. It also talks about the process of obtaining aid. This link leads to more information about getting scholarships. 

The Fulbright Program: An Overview
The United States Department of State is the principal administrator of the Fulbright Program worldwide. The Institute of International Education assists the Department of State in the conduct of the program at both predoctoral and postdoctoral levels

Paying for College 
College Connection is a company that provides information on financing one's education. The link connects you to scholarship information they have compiled. There is a fee for specialized searches, but this link is to the free listings. 

Publications for Parents
This U.S. Dept. of Ed Web site provides links to publications that provide information about the U.S. Department of Education's federal student financial aid programs. It is designed for high school students and others considering entering a postsecondary school for the first time.

The Scholarship Coach 
Use this site to learn how to find cash for college.

Scholarship Search Service 
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute is an organization that advocates in the US Congress for issues that affect Hispanics throughout the country. This link brings you to a page that assist you in a scholarship search. 

Scholarships from Corporations 
This link is to scholarship programs that are administered in cooperation with various corporations. Most scholarships include internships.
This is the Web's premiere destination for getting a head start on preparing for the world of continuing education. You'll find pointers on the entire "Go-to-College" process from preparation to getting loans. Wiredscholar also has interactive tools that enable you to analyze the affordability of schools and compare financial aid award letters.

Scholarships from Corporations 
This link is to scholarship programs that are administered in cooperation with various corporations. Most scholarships include internships. 

For Kids

Below you will find exciting information about the United States government and other fun things.

Do You Know What Happened on This Date in History?

Fun and Educational Links

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government
Learn how your U.S. Government works, about its history and your civic responsibilities by reading these pages and playing the games on this site.

Kids in the House: The Official Kids' Page of the U.S. House of Representatives
Learn about the legislative process and its effect on you. Experience the exciting world of government like you never have before.
Visit the White House's official page for kids and learn about the President, his responsibilities and the history of the office.

Kids' Post
Read news just for kids at the Washington Post Kids Page.

First Gov for Kids
The federal government's portal for fun, educational and safe sites for kids.

CIA's Homepage for Kids
Learn what it takes to be a spy, read about the history of the CIA and try on spy disguises.

NASA Just for Kids
Learn about our missions to space, new technologies and the history of our space program.

National Children's Museum
Take a tour of the National Children's Museum.

EPA's Explorers' Club
Learn about the environment and what you can do to protect it.

Smithsonian Kids' Castle
The Smithsonian's official site for kids includes games and learning material about the things that kids are interested in.

The Congressional Award
The Congressional Award is a public partnership created by Congress to promote and recognize achievement, initiative, and service in America's youth. The Congressional Award provides a unique opportunity for young people to set and achieve personally challenging goals that build character and foster community service, personal development, and citizenship.

Congress for Kids
A kid friendly introduction to everything you need to know about the House of Representatives.