The Average Cost of a Home Energy Audit

Allie Ogletree
Written by Allie Ogletree
Updated December 27, 2021
Man using laptop for bookkeeping
Photo: Moon Safari / Adobe Stock


  • A home energy audit costs around $400 on average

  • The size of your home plays a major role in the total audit cost

  • There are three levels of energy audits

  • Additional testing can increase the cost by $200 to $300

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If your rooms are drafty in the winter and hot or humid in the summer, you may have an unexplained energy loss in your home. Second to striking up conversations with your neighbors to discuss your energy bills, you can save by using a home energy audit to detect problem areas around the house. 

Most home energy audits cost between $200 to $700, or $400 on average, but some tests run for as little as $100 or as much as $1,700. Let’s look at all the factors that can affect the cost of your home energy audit.

Home Energy Audit Costs per Square Foot

A home energy audit costs anywhere from $0.08 to $0.50 per square foot, though most energy auditors will offer you a flat rate based on the size of your property and the types of tests needed to conduct the audit. 

How Much Does It Cost to Do an Energy Audit Near You?

The average cost nationwide for an energy audit is $400, but prices can vary depending on where you live. The following prices reflect the average rates in a few popular cities across the U.S.:

Austin, TX$700
Boston, MA$550
Denver, CO$275
Miami, FL$750
New York$800
San Francisco, CA$300

Drastic differences in the cost of an energy audit by city may be due to the average size of the home and the local going rates. For example, the average home size in San Francisco is just 1,150 square feet, while the average home size in Austin is just over 2,000 square feet.

Energy Audit Cost Breakdown by Test

Here’s a breakdown of the types of tests that may be performed and their average costs:

Here’s a breakdown of the types of tests that may be performed and their average costs:

Blower Door Test Cost$350
Duct Testing Cost$100
HERS Test Cost$375
HERS Certification Cost$200
Infrared Imaging Cost$200

Your auditor may choose any or all tests, depending on your needs. Some of these prices might be discounted as part of a packaged deal, so be sure to check with your energy auditor to receive an accurate estimate.

How Much Does a Home Energy Audit Cost by ASHRAE Level?

There are so many areas of your home that an energy auditor can evaluate, making it hard to add up all the tests to estimate the total cost.

Thankfully, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) created three levels to make it easier to get an idea of what kind of audit you need based on your property. And, though the ASHRAE levels are for commercial energy audits, residential energy auditors often use the levels as a template for their audits.

Below are the three standard levels of an energy audit:

Level 1 (Walk-Through Audit)

Engineer inspecting the windows in a home
Photo: F / Adobe Stock

Also known as a simple audit, the level 1 energy audit is at the lower end of the price range. An 1,800-square-foot home will fall between $150 and $200, or between $0.08 and $0.12 per square foot for this type of exam. 

In a level 1 audit, your auditor will perform a brief walk-through of your home and review your utility bills to see if there are any obvious signs of an energy problem. They will also provide you with a cost and savings analysis for measures you can take to fix any issues, though any complex or less obvious issues will warrant a more thorough audit.

Level 2 (Energy Survey and Analysis)

The level 2 ASHRAE energy audit is a more in-depth survey of the energy usage in your home and runs between $200 to $650, or $0.12 to $0.35 per square foot, for an average 1,800-square-foot home. 

This level looks closely at your past utility bills to evaluate how your house uses natural gas and electricity. You’ll receive a detailed financial report that helps you gauge the best financial decisions for cost savings.

Level 3 (Detailed Analysis and Improvements)

As the most comprehensive energy audit, a level three energy audit will run for approximately $650 to $900, or between $0.36 to $0.50 per square foot, for an average 1,800-square-foot home. Though this audit is most commonly conducted in commercial areas, you may want a level 3 audit if you suspect your home might require technical renovations to make it more energy-efficient.

Keep in mind that these estimates are for the average home size. For smaller or larger homes, anticipate spending less or more, respectively.

What Factors Influence the Cost of a Home Energy Audit?

The biggest cost factors that influence how much your home energy audit will cost include the following:

  • Types of tests conducted: Again, the types of tests needed for your home can mean the difference between hundreds of dollars.

  • Size of the home: Since pricing is generally done by the square foot, you might pay $200 to $300 more for a home that’s in the 2,500 to 5,000-square-foot price range. 

  • Your auditor’s going rates: Some auditors have packages that include discounted testing on add-ons for your basic analysis. The same blower door and duct leakage tests that cost around $150 to $200 each if conducted alone may only cost an additional $35 to $50.

How Much Does It Cost to DIY a Home Energy Audit?

Unless you’re a trained professional, walking around in search of energy-wasting issues in your home can feel akin to walking aimlessly through a labyrinth. 

Though you might be able to get away with a basic DIY energy audit by caulking your windows, doorways, and foundational cracks and searching for glaringly obvious culprits, it’s very much a trial-and-error type of project that will likely cost you more time and effort in the long-run without the energy savings you’d get with a comprehensive assessment. 

We recommend you hire a local energy auditor to do the job. Your local pro will advise you on other local companies who can efficiently repair or replace issues in your home, helping you save the most on your energy bills.

FAQs About Home Energy Audit

Where can I find a reputable energy auditor?

The best way to find an energy auditor is by looking up local businesses with excellent reviews, researching the company’s methods and certifications, and scheduling a consultation to determine if they’re a good fit. The most reputable companies are HEP-certified by the Building Performance Institute (BPI) and may cost slightly more than a company that isn’t certified.

How can I save on the cost of my home energy audit?

There are a few ways to save on the cost of your home energy audit. If your household is considered a low-income household, then you might qualify for a free energy audit through the Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). If you don’t qualify for this program, check with your local utility company or government to see if there are rebate programs available to help you save.

What does a home energy audit include?

A home energy audit depends on the level and type of tests you want to be conducted, but the audit generally includes a visual inspection, a review of your utility bills, mechanical testing, and a list of recommendations to improve your energy usage.

What should I do after my home energy audit?

After your audit has been conducted, reach out to professionals who can further assist you with the repairs that your auditor recommended for your home. That way, you can get started making your home more energy-efficient.

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