Stewards/Elections 2022/Statements/BRPever

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The 2022 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.


This candidate signed the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information.
Please note that the full page with votes can be found at Stewards/Elections 2022/Votes/BRPever.
BRPever talk • contribs • accounts (stalktoy) • globalcontribs • confirm eligibility  — Translate: translation help, statement, template
  • Languages: ne-N, en-4, hi-2, dty-2, hif-1
  • Personal info: (English)
    Hello everyone, I am BRPever. I was a Wikimedia Steward from February 2020 until March 2021, when I had to resign due to personal real-life issues. However, since then, the issues have been resolved, and I am confident that I can serve the community for another year.

    I am a native Nepali speaker but I can easily communicate in English as well. I am mainly active on Simple English Wikipedia, where I am a sysop, and Wikidata, where I am a sysop and checkuser. I am also somewhat active in Wikimedia Commons and a few other wikis. As an SWMT member, I also help in monitoring small wikis via different IRC channels. Other than that, as a Global Sysop and Global Rollbacker, I usually work in the areas where the steward bit can greatly assist me in stopping cross-wiki spam, vandalism, and abuse.

    I am active in many IRC channels including #wikimedia-stewardsconnect and #wikimedia-gsconnect under the nickname BRPever, and, like last time, I can help by responding to urgent requests there.

    Other than that, I would like to continue helping at steward request pages, mostly at SRG, SRM, SRGP, and SRP. I am familiar with the Stewards policy, and other relevant policies like the CheckUser, Oversight and privacy policies. I am also familiar with the tools, so I think I will get used to them again quickly.

    Thank you for your consideration. --BRP ever 06:41, 15 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2022/Questions#BRPever