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"Enterprise Integration Patterns—Designing Successful Integration Solutions"
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
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 : Monday Afternoon Tutorials (1:30 - 17:00) : Architecture and the Enterprise : Monday

Enterprise Integration Patterns—Designing Successful Integration Solutions

Meeting Room 13
Monday, 13:30, half day


Gregor Hohpe, ThoughtWorks, Inc.:  Gregor Hohpe leads the Enterprise Integration practice at ThoughtWorks, Inc., a specialized provider of application development and integration services. Gregor is a widely recognized thought leader on asynchronous messaging architectures and co-author of the seminal book "Enterprise Integration Patterns" (Addison-Wesley, 2004). Gregor speaks regularly at technical conferences around the world and maintains the Web site www.eaipatterns.com.

Tutorial number: 31

Designing effective integration solutions is no easy task. The recent advancements in Web services standards have brought some order into the jungle of incompatible vendor offerings and approaches, but have also caused new debates and confusion around concepts such as loose coupling, event-driven architectures, service-orientation, and distributed systems architectures in general.

This tutorial examines the design alternatives and trade-offs inherent in the creation of loosely coupled solutions. It establishes an intuitive design notation and vocabulary for asynchronous, message-based solutions to help integration architects and developers express solution trade-offs in a technology-independent manner. This vocabulary forms the basis for a discussion of common integration problems and an assessment of each solution's strengths and limitations.

Topics include:

  1. service-orientation
  2. intermediaries
  3. message routing
  4. message tracking and analysis
  5. multiple party conversations.

Tutorial learnings can be applied to many different integration technologies such as JMS, IBM MQ Series, TIBCO, Microsoft MSMQ and asynchronous Web services (WS-ReliableMessaging, ebXML-MS).

This tutorial is based on the book Enterprise Integration Patterns (Addison-Wesley, 2003) and assumes basic familiarity with integration and messaging concepts. Attendees new to messaging should attend OOPSLA tutorial #22, Enterprise Integration Patterns: Introduction to Messaging, first.

Intermediate: This tutorial is targeted at architects and developers who have some experience developing integration solutions using enterprise integration tools and messaging middleware.