
Latest News

December 3, 2020 Press Release
"Unfortunately the provisions sent to the House by the Senate yesterday most likely make matters worse, not better."
November 25, 2020 Press Release
"We demand an immediate explanation for these prolonged detentions and that DHS comply with the law."
October 29, 2020 Press Release
"The Committee's report makes clear that Trump Administration was willing to go to extreme lengths to stop migrants fleeing violence from seeking protection in the United States."
October 21, 2020 Press Release
The Administration’s proposed refugee admissions goal is the lowest since the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980.
October 19, 2020 Press Release
"The United States and international community must not stand by silently as Azerbaijan attempts to ethnically cleanse their Armenian neighbors."
October 14, 2020 Press Release
"I’m glad this federal grant will help our Silicon Valley community better protect children from online predators."
October 7, 2020 Press Release
“Forcing more individuals into immigration detention centers is dangerous and irresponsible. To do so for the sake of scoring political points is unconscionable.”
October 7, 2020 Press Release
"Changes this substantial must not be rushed through without adequate input from the public."
September 24, 2020 Press Release
"I’m pleased that the House rightfully advanced a package of bipartisan bills to address wildfire and power shutoff issues while importantly modernizing America’s energy infrastructure and investing in a clean energy future for all communities."
