该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。



更新:此功能插件已于2020年8月11日与 WordPress 5.6 合并在 WordPress Core 中。


注意,此插件的代码并非“按原样”加入WordPress 核心中,其代码将被完全重做以进行核心合并。 该插件旨是用于讨论自动更新的实现原理和用户界面。

In 2018, Matt Mullenweg posted 9 projects for Core to focus on in 2019. We didn’t ship as many as hoped, but we made a lot of progress. Plugins and Themes Automatic Updates were one of those 9 projects. This project is now milestoned to WordPress 5.5 and this feature plugin is here to help move towards this achievement.

For full details, see the Feature Plugin proposal published on Make/Core.



This project is currently driven by Jb Audras & Paul Biron and it’s being developed on GitHub.

有兴趣为这个插件做贡献吗? 欢迎加入我们Make WordPress Slack团队的频道讨论#core-auto-updates。 我们将在每周二的17:00 UTC时间在Slack上举行每周会议。


  • 插件界面 - 启用自动更新
  • 插件见面-可用更新
  • 主题见面-启用自动更新
  • 主题界面-可用更新
  • 更新见面-可用更新
  • 站点健康见面-主题和插件自动更新的信息
  • 电子邮件通知范例


This is a really good idea. I like the way it's integrated in the plugin panel. Integration with Themes is a bit less convenient I have to go through all installed themes. It would be more convient to have the update option in the theme overview page.


“WordPress自动更新”插件已被翻译至19种本地话语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。





0.8.1 🍄

May 18, 2020
– Fix incorrect admin notice text when auto-updates are enabled for a plugin when JS is not enabled in the browser – #130
– Prevent multiple simultaneous requests – #131
– Strip plugins/themes that have been deleted from the site options just before they are updated – #132
– Copy the plugin’s site options to core’s site options on self-deactivation – #133
– fix typos and docs standards – #134

0.8.0 🐪

May 13, 2020
– Self-deactivate the plugin after the functionality has been merged to core – #123
– Remove auto-updates options when plugin is uninstalled – #125
– Use ES5 in the JS, because the core build tools barf on let and const#127
– More pre-merge cleanup – #124
– Add help tabs on update-core, plugins, and themes admin screens – #121
– Cleanup – #119
– I18n – Remove unnecessary concatenation – #117

0.7.0 🦢

May 6, 2020
– PHPCBF fixes – #114
– Remove constants from the feature plugin – #112
– Various i18n fixes/optimizations – #109
– Simplifies Ajax on both the JS and PHP sides – #103

0.6.0 🦋

April 22, 2020
– Add Ajax to Plugin and Themes Screen – #61
– Accessibility: Communicate AJAX enabling/disabling changes to screen readers – #85
– Add Better Handling to Ajax Errors – #90
– Prevent CSS from being enqueued on sub-site plugins & themes screens in multisite – #91

0.5.1 🦒

April 16, 2020
– Add the plugin version when enqueueing styles, for cache busting – #79

0.5.0 🦚

April 15, 2020
– Replace Disable strings with Disable auto-updates – #78
– Update confirmation message wording – #77
– Remove Automatic Updates column from the Network Admin > Sites > Edit > Themes screen – #76
– Replace “Enable” string with “Enable auto-updates” – #75
– Remove dashicons from the UI – #74
– Fix documentation and comment standards – #73
– Remove green and red colors on texts and links – #70
– Don’t display the Enable/Disable link in the Theme Details modal on a subsite in multisite – #68
– Documentation: Improve DocBlocks – #62
– I18n – Merge with similar string – #60
– Add filters and constant to allow developers to disable plugins and themes autoupdate email notifications – #57
– Switch disable link to red on Multisite Themes Screen – #54
– Wrong kick off year in readme.txt – #42

0.4.1 🍺

April 2, 2020
– Network > Sites > Edit > Themes screen doesn’t have the Autoupdates column – #50

0.4.0 🌹

March, 30, 2020
This release brings full support for Themes auto-updates.
It also changes the plugin structure to allow self deactivation when the feature gets merged into WordPress Core.
Please note: the development repository was also migrated from @audrasjb’s personal GitHub account to WordPress.org official GitHub account.
Other changes:
– Change plugin structure to ensure it can self-deactivate when the feature is merged into Core – #37
– Handle both themes and plugins email notifications – #36
– i18n: Merge similar translation strings – #35
– Add and populate Automatic updates column, add and handle enable/disable auto-updates bulk actions to the multisite themes list table – #33
– Avoid duplicate Updating… dialog – #32

0.3.0 🦉

March 16, 2020
– Add functions to handle plugins updates notification emails – #54
– Remove update time text after manual update – #43
– Ensure “Automatic Updates” column is not added if no content would be output in the column – #57
– Specific messages for delayed or disabled cron events – #58
– Prevent mis-match between count in Auto-updates Enabled view and the number of plugins displayed for that view by applying ‘all_plugins’ filter before computing that count. – #59

0.2.1 🐜

March 11, 2020
– Prevent “PHP Notice: Undefined index: plugin_status” when adding the autoupdates_column – #47
– Add plugin_status query arg to the enable/disable links in the Automatic Updates column – #48

0.2.0 🐝

March 6, 2020
– Remove auto-updates column from mustuse and dropins screens – #39
– Ensure the the enable/disable bulk actions appear in the dropdown and are handled in multisite – #38
– Remove dashicon from “Enable” text in plugins auto-updates column – #36
– Replace “Automatic Updates” with “Auto-updates” in filters – #35
– Display only filters with at least one available plugin – #33
– Remove setting from site option when deleting plugin – #32
– Populate site health with plugins auto-updates informations – #24
– In multisite, only add the “Automatic Updates” column on the plugins-network screen – #21
– Add auto-update-enabled and auto-update-disabled views on the plugins screen – #18

0.1.5 🐣

-修复PHP 7+上的致命错误

0.1.4 👻


0.1.3 ☀️








* 最初发布