On the Hill

Policy Spotlight
NRF in Washington: Advocacy update April 2022

As Congress works to address current issues such as rising inflation, China competition issues and the war in Ukraine, NRF remains engaged with lawmakers on these and other matters of importance to the retail industry. NRF continues to advance policies that strengthen retailers and the American economy.

Washington D.C. Capitol Building

Top issues on our agenda

Supply Chain Infrastructure
NRF supports initiatives that modernize the nation's infrastructure.
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Organized Retail Crime
NRF has stepped up its efforts to have Congress address the issue of organized retail crime.
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Swipe Fees
Credit and debit card swipe fees cost retailers and their customers $80 billion each year.
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Protecting Consumer Privacy
Safeguarding consumer privacy is one of retailers’ top priorities.
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Labor Relations
NRF supports restoring the NLRB's role as a neutral arbitrator in labor-management disputes.
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Year in review

Policy Committees
NRF has numerous committees and councils dedicated to informing and supporting the retail industry.
NRF letters comments and testimony
View advocacy communications from NRF to Congress, the White House and federal agencies.

Get involved and make a difference

Congress is currently considering many issues that affect the retail industry. We need your help to make sure Congress hears from retailers. Use these online tools to contact your representatives and make your voice heard.

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