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I Smell a RAT! New Cybersecurity Threats for the Crypto Industry
David Trepp, Partner, IT Assurance with accounting and advisory firm BPM LLP,  7/9/2021
Attacks on Kaseya Servers Led to Ransomware in Less Than 2 Hours
Robert Lemos, Contributing Writer,  7/7/2021
It's in the Game (but It Shouldn't Be)
Tal Memran, Cybersecurity Expert, CYE,  7/9/2021
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Understanding DNS Threats and How to Use DNS to Expand Your Cybersecurity Arsenal
With attacks and breaches on the rise, enterprise security teams need full visibility over what they have in their network. DNS is a key tool for visibility and asset discovery. Proactive DNS-layer security - such as using DNS data to mitigate threats that network-based controls may miss - is about blocking threats before they compromise the enterprise.
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Enterprise Vulnerabilities
From DHS/US-CERT's National Vulnerability Database
PUBLISHED: 2022-04-13
JAI-EXT is an open-source project which aims to extend the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) API. Programs allowing Jiffle script to be provided via network request can lead to a Remote Code Execution as the Jiffle script is compiled into Java code via Janino, and executed. In particular, this affects the...
PUBLISHED: 2022-04-13
GeoTools is an open source Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. The GeoTools library has a number of data sources that can perform unchecked JNDI lookups, which in turn can be used to perform class deserialization and result in arbitrary code execution. Similar to the Log4J case, th...
PUBLISHED: 2022-04-13
Composer is a dependency manager for the PHP programming language. Integrators using Composer code to call `VcsDriver::getFileContent` can have a code injection vulnerability if the user can control the `$file` or `$identifier` argument. This leads to a vulnerability on packagist.org for example whe...
PUBLISHED: 2022-04-13
Gin-vue-admin is a backstage management system based on vue and gin, which separates the front and rear of the full stack. The problem occurs in the following code in server/service/system/sys_auto_code_pgsql.go, which means that PostgreSQL must be used as the database for this vulnerability to occu...
PUBLISHED: 2022-04-13
An improper handling of exceptional conditions vulnerability exists in the DNS proxy feature of Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS software that enables a meddler-in-the-middle (MITM) to send specifically crafted traffic to the firewall that causes the service to restart unexpectedly. Repeated attempts to se...